Noxious plants and insects

Kouchibouguac National Park

Poison Ivy

There are areas in Kouchibouguac where you will find poison ivy, a climbing plant of the sumac family. It grows on sandy, stony, or rocky shores, sprouts in thickets, in clearings, and along the borders of woods. The sap of the plant contains an oily resin that causes an irritating inflammation of the skin in most people.

Pets can also transmit the oil from their fur to you. Please keep your pets on a leash at all times.

Learn more about poison ivy (Health Canada)


During the spring and summer you need to be prepared for biting insects such as black flies and mosquitoes. Cover up or wear specially designed bug jackets. Use insect repellent.

Be on the lookout for hornet or wasp nests and make sure if you suffer from allergies to have your auto-injector (Epipen) with you at all times.

Learn more about the prevention and treatment of West Nile Virus (Public Health Agency of Canada)

Ticks and Lyme disease

Throughout New Brunswick, from April to November, there is a small chance of being exposed to Lyme disease if bitten by an infected blacklegged (deer) tick. Lyme disease is a serious illness; however, it's easy to prevent and treat when caught early.

For more information on Lyme disease, blacklegged ticks, and how to protect yourself from tick bites while enjoying the outdoors, please visit the following websites:

Facts about Lyme disease (Public Health Agency of Canada)
Tick-borne diseases (New Brunswick Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health - Public Health

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