Park management

Wapusk National Park

When we speak of the land, we mean all parts of the land:
the rocks, the water, the fish, the birds, the wildlife, the forest.

People are keepers of the land.
The land is there for the use of the people,
but the land must be kept in balance.
– Donald Saunders, York Factory First Nation

Management plan

Read about how Parks Canada is protecting Wapusk National Park today and in the future.

Management plan - Cree language version

Read about how Parks Canada is protecting Wapusk National Park today and in the future (in Cree).

Research and monitoring

Find out more about scientific research and monitoring work in Wapusk National Park.


Read about federal legislation designed to preserve and protect natural and cultural resources at Wapusk.

National Parks System Plan

The plan was developed in the early 1970s to provide a framework for establishing new national parks. To create the plan, scientists divided the country into 39 distinct natural regions based on landscape and vegetation. Parks Canada continues to work towards ensuring that all 39 regions will eventually contain at least one national park. To view a map showing current progress on completing the national park system, see Map - Completing Canada's National Parks System.

Wapusk Management Board
Five people sit at a long rectangular table.
Meet the Wapusk Management Board

The Wapusk National Park Management Board was established in 1996 to consider matters relating to the planning, management and operation of the park, and to make recommendations on these matters to Canada's Environment Minister and Minister responsible for Parks Canada. The ten-member board is made up of representatives of Government of Canada; Province of Manitoba; Town of Churchill; Fox Lake Cree Nation; and York Factory First Nation. The work of the Board reflects the philosophy, expressed in the PDF document: Wapusk Park Establishment Agreement (PDF, 1.3 MB), that people are Keepers of the Land.       

Research and Monitoring

Research and monitoring programs are important tools that can be used to gain an understanding of ecological resources and processes in the park. Monitoring also allows park managers to determine the effectiveness of management actions.

Learn more about Research and Monitoring

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