General wildlife images

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

Bears like the sand dunes.
Bears like the sand dunes.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

A doe (female deer) and her fawn.
A doe (female deer) and her fawn.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

Wolves chased this deer into the waves.
Wolves chased this deer into the waves.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

An eagle flies by over still water.
An eagle flies by over still water.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

An eagle at the forest’s edge.
An eagle at the forest’s edge.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

A grey whale breaching.
A grey whale breaching.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

A mink looks for food in the intertidal.
A mink looks for food in the intertidal.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

Many curious Steller Sea lions.
Many curious Steller Sea lions.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

Two Steller Sea lions sunning themselves.
Two Steller Sea lions sunning themselves.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

Western Sandpipers taking a little pause.
Western Sandpipers taking a little pause.
(Photographed from a distance with a telephoto lens.)

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