Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park of Canada

Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use

5.8 Facilities - Public Buildings, Accommodation and Operational Buildings

Facilities refer to buildings (lodges, commercial accommodation, huts, maintenance sheds, etc). Staff housing is addressed in section 5.15. Public facilities include: day lodges, warming huts, ski school facilities, medical facilities, day care etc. Public facilities are considered commercial space. Operational facilities include: maintenance yards /buildings, offices, 'stores', paint/sign shops, lift huts, ski patrol huts, waste water treatment operations, etc.

Ski Area Management Guidelines

"Within the Developed Area the following can be considered:

  • increase in day lodge and commercial building size;
  • relocation and replacement of existing lodges and facilities; and,
  • new warming huts and washroom facilities.

Development of new on-hill commercial accommodation will not be permitted. New facilities, including day lodges, will not be permitted. Exceptions will not be considered for on-hill accommodation."

Pages 4 and 5, Ski Area Management Guidelines , Minister of Environment, December 7, 2006


  • Provide convenient guest services.
  • Meet basic visitor needs (adequate washrooms, food services, 'brown bag' space, storage, timely service, information, equipment, supplies etc).
  • Allow modernization and expansion of facilities within the negotiated, permanent Growth Limits.
  • Ski area facilities are models of environmental stewardship excellence (energy efficient, water conservation, integration with landscape, etc).
  • Respect the existing permanent commercial growth limits established for the Town of Jasper and Outlying Commercial Accommodation (OCA).
  • Consolidate buildings where practical to minimize the footprint of development.
  • Provide effective and efficient operational support facilities.

Existing Situation

Public Buildings - Three day lodges, one at the mountain base and two at mid-mountain, with a total of 5,044 m2. Washroom facilities may need to be upgraded and amenities such as day care services, rental facilities and food services require expansion to balance resort components.

Overnight Visitor Accommodation - No facilities on site. Overnight accommodation is available in the Town of Jasper, the Jasper Park Lodge, two OCAs that operate year round and regional communities (Hinton). The existing bed base in the community and OCAs in tandem with accommodation in the broader region is adequate to support the ski area currently and is anticipated to be adequate at full build out should it occur.

Operations Buildings - These facilities are spread throughout the ski area.

Site Guidelines

Public Facilities

5.8.1 Expansion of the existing lodges will be considered to address basic visitor needs and balancing of ski area components within the Growth Limits.

5.8.2 Additional space for an interpretive area to showcase the national park and world heritage site status of Jasper National Park will be encouraged and will not be included in the calculation of commercial space.

5.8.3 Small warming huts can be considered in areas remote from lodges. Facilities will be located near lift terminals where practical to consolidate the footprint of development. These facilities will be limited to providing basic services for winter use only. If they include commercial elements, then they will be included in the commercial space Growth Limit.

5.8.4 A new washroom facility will be considered to support the new beginner ski terrain in the Licence of Occupation area.

5.8.5 Visitor accommodation will continue to be provided in the community of Jasper, at OCAs and nearby communities. Long-Range Plans will need to demonstrate that accommodation needs can be met while respecting existing established growth limits in the park.

5.8.6 As an exception to the Ski Area Management Guidelines , and as set out in Section 4.0, a group lift-ticket sales facility can be considered for the bus parking lot as outlined in Section 5.9.6.

Operational Facilities

5.8.7 Allow the replacement and expansion of patrol huts.

5.8.8 Consider the consolidation of the vehicle and maintenance, lift and building maintenance and eight other maintenance and employee related buildings, into one facility to be constructed on the existing parking lot # 2 (see map #7). The existing facilities would need to be decommissioned and the areas rehabilitated.

5.8.9 Uses consistent with the Ski Area Management Guidelines and Growth Limits can be considered on the top floor of a parkade structure.

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