Sustainable people movement expert panel

Banff National Park

Expert advisory panel

In May 2021, Parks Canada established an expert advisory panel and sought their advice to inform the development of a comprehensive people movement plan for Banff National Park. The scope of the work included the management and coordination of access, use and infrastructure at key park destinations in, and adjacent to, the Bow Valley in the park. The panel was asked based upon their expertise, and Indigenous, public, and stakeholder consultation to recommend possible innovative solutions for Parks Canada to consider in the development of a comprehensive people movement plan. The Expert Advisory Panel has now completed its work and submitted a final report to Parks Canada. 


Parks Canada created an expert panel to advise the Agency on the development of a long-term framework for the sustainable movement of visitors in the Banff-Bow Valley. Building on the science, policy and ecological gains of the last 30 years, the panel looked at emerging solutions and examples of best practices from around the world to consider how people arrive at, move about, and experience the national park.

About the Expert Panel

The panel brought together a diverse group of nine members and one Chairperson, appointed by the President & CEO of Parks Canada. Members were identified in one of two ways; from applications received through an open call to the public and through research to find individuals with expertise in specific areas. Panellists were appointed drawing on their knowledge or experience relevant to protected area management or expertise in a variety of areas including protected area management, transportation innovation, technology and tourism.

The panel’s priorities and deliverables were guided by a Terms of Reference developed through engagement with Indigenous partners and Canadians. It directed the panel to consider modes of transportation, as well as how Parks Canada manages visitor access, circulation and infrastructure at key park destinations while achieving ecological integrity and visitor experience objectives.

Read the Expert Panel Report

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