Province House National Historic Site
National historic sites reflect the rich and varied heritage of our nation and provide an opportunity for Canadians to learn more about our diverse history. The Government of Canada is proudly investing in the conservation of this historic building.
To showcase the history and some of the more prominent conservation efforts at Province House National Historic Site, Parks Canada has created this timeline from 1837 to present day to show the evolution of this treasured place.
Parks Canada appreciates the interest expressed by the general public, local residents and stakeholders in our work to preserve Province House for future generations. We invite you to continue sending us your questions to pnipe-peinp@pc.gc.ca so that we can provide you with clear and precise information about the details surrounding this extensive conservation project taking place in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
Origins of Province House National Historic Site
At the opening of the 1837 legislative session in the Province of Prince Edward Island, Lieutenant Governor John Harvey suggests the construction of an edifice for the safe keeping and deposit of Public Records. The Assembly passes a land act to raise money for the construction of the building.
A competition is held to design Prince Edward Island’s Colonial Building in August and September of 1839 after receiving London’s approval. The public notice appears in Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia newspapers.
Two plans are entered into the competition before the closing date on January 1, 1840, by Isaac Smith and William Bain. Isaac Smith wins the competition to design the building.
Construction begins on the neoclassical Colonial Building by local architect Isaac Smith to accommodate the provincial legislature and administrative offices. Smith is a leading Island architect at this time, designing many public buildings in Charlottetown.
The stone masonry, bricklaying, carpentry, joining, plastering, slating, painting, glazing, plumbing and excavating are all done by local craftspeople. The total cost of construction is €10,000.
The first cornerstone is laid on May 16, 1843. It is a joyous affair with several hundred people gathering in Queen Square to take part in the ceremony which includes a band, a parade and a speech by Lieutenant Governor Henry Vere Huntley.
The design for Province House is revised. In the original plans, the portico was to be flush with the building, referred to as the in antes position. However, the decision was made to have the porticos project from the building, referred to as the prostyle position.
Construction of the Colonial Building is complete. The building also houses public records and the Island’s Supreme Court until 1872.
The first session of the Prince Edward Island Legislature is held January 26, 1847.
From the beginning, the foundations were not as deep as the rest of the building, as a result of the ad hoc construction phasing, and the porticos began to shift over time. The Superintendent of Public Works, Silas Bernard, reported the lack of proper foundations in these areas had led to uneven settlement and tenders were called for new foundations and steps at the porticos.
The portico foundations were subsequently reconstructed with a loose mixture of stone and rubble, using a combination of stone from the Pictou, Nova Scotia quarries and local PEI sandstone.
Province House (then known as the Colonial Building) is the scene of the Charlottetown Conference where 23 delegates from the colonies of Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Province of Canada (Ontario and Quebec) convene to discuss the grand idea of a new nation.
September 1 through 9, delegates gather in the Legislative Council Chamber at Province House to participate in closed meetings to debate the merits of a formal union. These discussions, as well as the more formal conversations held later in Quebec and London, England, led to the creation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867.
A total of six offices were removed from Province House including the Supreme Court, Insolvent Court, Prothonotary’s (clerk of the court) office, Land office, Registry office and Judge’s chambers as the volume of public business was putting a lot of pressure on the facilities of the Colonial Building.
A newspaper report states “some of the building’s stones were rotten, roof leaky, drainage defective and portions of the north side of the building uninhabitable”. The roof is subsequently repaired in 1880 by the Province of Prince Edward Island.
1912 to 1914
A steam heating plant is installed between 1912 and 1913. Province House previously functioned on gas lighting. The historical building is also wired with electrical lighting in 1914.
The main roof and floors of balconies are “recovered with pitch and gravel” (a coal-tar based, gravelled roof finish), gutters, spouting, window frames and the whole exterior of the building are “overhauled”.
New asphalt shingle roof is installed. Stonework is reset and pointed. The broken or damaged stones are replaced.
1957 to 1958
Concrete floor slabs are laid in the basement crypts to cut down on dampness.
Province House is declared to be of national historic significance by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada for three reasons: It is the site of the Charlottetown Conference of 1864, which led to Confederation in 1867; it is a fine example of the neo-classical architecture style; it is representative of the judicial institution of Prince Edward Island.
On October 1, Parks Canada signs a Memorandum of Agreement with the Province of Prince Edward Island agreeing to restore, preserve, interpret and administer Province House as a national historic site for a period of 99 years. As part of the agreement, the building continues to be used as the Provincial Legislature as well as a place for visitors to learn about the history of Province House.
1979 to 1983
Parks Canada undertakes a major $3.5 million project to restore a portion of Province House to the 1864 period. Restoration work is meticulous and involves extensive research and many talented craftspeople working thousands of hours to complete the project. This project focused on renovations to both the interior and exterior of the building.
Interior: After careful research, the original painting types and styles were accurately reproduced. Some of the restoration, including the Confederation Chamber, is more formal and refined. Other areas receive additional conservative treatment in keeping with the original design.
Exterior: The sandstone is patched and cleaned, with some stones replaced. A roof of slate and copper is installed according to original specifications. The chimneys and skylights are also reconstructed.
To safeguard the building and its contents, as well as to update the aging heating system, a security system is installed and heat exchanger projects are conducted at Province House.
A barrier-free access improvement project takes place in October. This includes exterior doors, interior signage, a wooden wheelchair ramp and modifications to the theatre.
On April 20, a pipe bomb detonated beneath the wooden wheelchair ramp at Province House, with the explosion shaking the building. The structure sustained some damage, including the ramp, along with 40 per cent of the windows, which exploded as a result of the blast. The glass is replaced and a second wooden ramp is installed.
The egress stairwell, a protected emergency staircase, is constructed from the third floor to the first floor for public safety. Washrooms are also updated.
As part of standard asset management, Parks Canada initiates a building envelope study to investigate the condition of the exterior components including the foundation, stone walls, windows and roof.
2011 to 2013
Following the completion of the building condition assessment, Province House undergoes renovations in advance of the 2014 celebrations to mark the 150th anniversary of the Charlottetown Conference.
During the investigation stage, conducted by Taylor Hazell Architects, conditions are found to be much worse than expected when the wall finishes were removed. A detailed analysis into the structural condition of the building is carried out and the focus of the renovations changes from being primarily cosmetic to stabilizing the structural aspects of the building.
The renovations focus on period masonry preservation, structural upgrades and stabilization, as well as measures to make the building weather-tight. Visitors are still able to gain access to Province House during the renovations on the west and north sides of the building.
The Taylor Hazell Architects assessment concludes an estimated $20 million to preserve and restore Province House, this includes the physical construction and required materials, known as hard costs. This estimate did not include what is known as soft costs such as contracted expertise (design, inspection, testing), project management fees, general costs (site set up, heat, electricity), upgrades required to meet current codes and standards (accessibility, fire safety, air quality) and general functional building upgrades. If these additional requirements were included, the preservation and restoration estimate would be in the $80 million to $100 million range.
The assessment took into consideration how important it is for Parks Canada, as stewards of this national historic site, to maintain the character defining elements of the building by sourcing materials from the same locations when Province House was originally built or had major past upgrades conducted.
Province House National Historic Site is the focal point of festivities as Islanders celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Charlottetown Conference.
May and June
A Request for Project Approval (RPA) for Province House Conservation is signed by Parks Canada and $10.2 million is approved for initial project funding over a period of three years (2014 to 2017) to address initial areas of highest concern. Parks Canada engages, then Public Works and Government Services Canada, now Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), for project delivery services.
A Request for Proposal (RPA) is posted on the Government of Canada’s electronic tendering website (Buyandsell.gc.ca) for an Initial Design Contract to assess, analyze, recommend and implement a comprehensive building envelope conservation and structural repair of Province House.

Parks Canada receives an unprecedented $3 billion to support infrastructure improvements to heritage, tourism, waterway and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas across Canada. Through this Federal Investment Infrastructure (FII) Program, Province House received the necessary funding to help address the infrastructure concerns outlined in the Taylor Hazell Report.
Province House is closed and occupants move to temporary office accommodations to allow for further investigations into the building’s required structural improvements. Parks Canada works with the Confederation Centre of the Arts to offer “The Story of Confederation” as a way of sharing the story of Province House while closed for conservation.
Initial Design Contract, spanning March 2015 through December 2021, is awarded.
Since it was known that the conservation work would require more than the initial $10.2 million in funding, the consultant contract was designed to include a full and complete investigation and conceptual design. It also entailed “on ramps” detailing design of separate work packages, as funding became available.
Through the building assessment process, work required was prioritized based on what was known at this point in the overall project. The areas of highest concern included the roof, exterior walls and foundation and were subsequently identified as highest priority, and at this time the RPA funding is amended for an additional $9.8 million over five years (2014 to 2019), bringing the conservation project to $20 million.
Due to the size and complexity of this project, Parks Canada announced funding incrementally as it became available within the Federal Investment Infrastructure (FII) Program.
Consultants undertake the design stage of the conservation project. This includes interventions into the masonry and structure of the building. Many of the issues and much of the deterioration found in Province House were hidden from view. The true condition of the exterior walls was not revealed until some of the interior finishes were removed. While some portions of the walls are in better condition than expected, which allowed for less invasive restoration techniques, our engineers and architects have had to continually adapt the designs and plans for the restoration as new information was uncovered.
The conservation project presents the unique challenge of rehabilitating the structure, while respecting the heritage characteristics of this iconic building. We seek to maintain and conserve this building in its most original form. Parks Canada and PSPC are approaching the project with careful consideration of the best and most appropriate methods to preserve the building’s character-defining elements. Our goal is to use, where possible, the same material for conservation that was used for the construction of Province House more than 170 years ago.
Additional funding from the Federal Investment Infrastructure (FII) Program is publicly announced to continue the conservation work at Province House. This includes an additional $21 million for conservation work and an additional $6 million to upgrade fire code standards and universal accessibility, bringing the total conservation project funding to $47 million.
An invitation to Tender is posted on the Government of Canada’s electronic tendering website (Buyandsell.gc.ca) for the Phase One Construction Contract. This phase of the project involves extensive work to protect and stabilize the building. The scope of the work includes hazardous material abatement and selective removal of interior finishes, wood windows and doors, mechanical and electrical systems, as well as the implementation of the shoring and scaffolding systems in preparation for the Phase Two Construction Contract.
Structural stabilization of the north and south porticos and rebuilding of the portico foundations were initially included in the Phase One Construction Contract, but this work was subsequently moved to the Phase Two Construction Contract as it proved challenging to identify an appropriately skilled contractor for this specialized work.

Phase One Construction Contract is awarded spanning from May 2017 to April 2018.
An invitation to Tender posted on the Government of Canada’s tendering website (Buyandsell.gc.ca) for Phase Two and Phase Three Construction Management Contract. The scope of the work includes conservation of the masonry, replacement of the copper and slate roof and repairing the historic windows.
The roof has been the source of chronic problems for this historic building and a key part of the project will be replacing it. Over the years, water infiltration through the roof near the eaves and the annual freeze/thaw cycle have been the greatest enemy of the building’s exterior stone walls. The new roof will enhance water management and prevent water entering into the walls. New insulation will reduce ice build-up and ice damming on the roof, and will ensure that the structure will be better protected from the effects of nature.
The new roof will preserve the heritage-defining characteristics of the original design by using a combination of traditional materials with new, state-of-the-art components and high-quality design. The roof will feature new copper cladding, thermal insulation and slate shingles. The current slate roof, which originally came from a quarry in Vermont, was installed in the 1980s replacing the asphalt shingles. Since that quarry was unable to supply replacement materials, we were fortunate to find similar slate material from a roofing company in Northern Ireland.
Phase Two and Three Construction Management Contract is awarded with construction spanning from May 2018 to May 2021.
Follow-on trade and support packages for Phase Two and Phase Three include masonry, mechanical, electrical, reinforced concrete, shoring and scaffolding, rebuilding portico foundations, interior finishes, carpentry, painting and landscaping.
Phase One of the project includes work to prepare the building for construction.
Exterior: Site fencing is established, the foundation is excavated and the steel exoskeleton is fabricated and installed.
Interior: Windows are carefully removed and crated; interior finishes along the exterior walls are removed, protected with fabric and rigid foam, catalogued and crated; and the electrical and mechanical systems are removed and replaced with temporary systems. The interior finishes, not otherwise removed, are protected with plywood, rigid foam and bubble wrap during the renovations.
This work allowed the consultants to execute a more detailed investigation into the exterior stonework since this allowed them to discern the condition of the interior stone as well as the structural integrity of the walls.
Previously, the Government of Canada announced funding of $47 million for the conservation of Province House. Today, an additional investment of $14.1 million is being provided for Phase Two, bringing the total estimated cost for the first two phases of the conservation of Province House to $61.1 million. Once a more defined scope for Phase Three is established, those funding requirements will be determined.
Phase Two and Phase Three of the conservation work is ongoing during 2019. The final portion of the project, Phase Four, which involves the design, development and installation of the new visitor experience offer at Province House National Historic Site, is underway.
Phase Two began in May 2018 and includes building envelope work (conservation of the masonry, replacement of the copper and slate roof and repairs to the historic windows, as well as foundation) and is ongoing.
Our goal is to maintain and conserve this building in its most original form. Where possible, we are sourcing materials from the same locations as when Province House was originally built or had major past upgrades construction. An initial shipment of interior stone was purchased from a well-established quarry in the UK to help bridge the winter season. Since that time, we have been successful in finding a local source of Island sandstone, which is being used for the interior stone repairs of the building.
The material being used to replace selected exterior stones is coming from Wallace, Nova Scotia. This material is from the same vein of stone that was originally used to build Province House in the 1840s.
March 27, 2019, marks the beginning of the portico work. This was originally slated for Phase One, but this work was subsequently moved to Phase Two as it proved challenging to identify an appropriately skilled contractor for this specialized work. The stability of the portico foundations had become compromised over the years and replacing the portico foundations became a priority for the conservation project. This was one of the most technically challenging aspects of the conservation project. Portico work is a difficult and intricate process as it involves suspending each column in the air for a period of 1.5 to 2 weeks to pull out the old foundation and pour a new foundation in its place. The portico work finished January 15, 2020, taking approximately 9 months to complete.

Working closely with partners from the Legislative Assembly of PEI and the Mi’kmaw community, Parks Canada has kick-started the development of an interpretive plan for the new exhibit. In October 2019, a stakeholder engagement session focussed on identifying target markets and opportunities was held in Charlottetown.

Two of the original windows from Province House are being restored by students from Holland College’s Heritage Retrofit Carpentry program. Students began this process in the fall under the guidance of Josh Silver, Learning Manager for the Heritage Retrofit Carpentry program.

Phase Two work is ongoing with a primary focus on the masonry work, window conservation, basement consolidation and selected demolition for Phase Three. This includes fit up work (interior finishes, such as painting and flooring, universal accessibility, fire code compliance, building systems including electrical, mechanical and HVAC). Phase Four involves the design, development and installation of the new visitor experience offer at Province House National Historic Site, and is ongoing.
The stabilization of the porticos was completed in January 2020. It took over 15 months to design, plan, and prepare for the construction drawings and specifications by a team of dedicated professionals and builders.

In February 2020, a large local stakeholder interpretive planning session was held in Charlottetown. Participants were invited to reflect upon and contribute ideas for stories and perspectives that they felt should be presented in the new interpretive exhibits designated for Province House National Historic Site. Depending on their area of expertise, attendees shared historical information and best practices for public history, insights about the local and provincial tourism industry, and knowledge of the provincial education and heritage landscape.
The information gathered during this event, coupled with additional engagement sessions held with stakeholders representing special interest communities, will inform the interpretive plan, which will guide the future development of interpretation, exhibits, and programming at Province House.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created some project delays and workforce challenges that could not have been anticipated when the conservation project began in 2015. When travel restrictions brought on by the pandemic began, we saw a reduction in the number of people working on site as many of the skilled tradespeople who were from other provinces returned home. Although work continued on site, we were working with a reduced workforce for several months in winter/spring 2020. Work slowly ramped up again in summer 2020, reaching pre-COVID-19 workforce numbers in fall 2020.

Masons continued their work in the east pavilion, next to the Coles Building. The upper levels of the north elevation also underwent a complete dismantle and rebuild due to extensive water damage. Staging enclosures at the north and south porticos were also fitted to create ideal conditions for the masonry work. Beam repairs are also underway.

In October 2020, the sub-contractor hired to restore the 101 windows for Province House National Historic Site filed for bankruptcy and closed their business. Students in the Heritage Retrofit Carpentry Program continue to conserve the two windows for this historic building.
In the Fall of 2020, additional meetings were held virtually to gather additional perspectives for the interpretive plan. A wide net was cast in soliciting local community group participants as well as local Indigenous community members. Individual engagement sessions were held with the Black Cultural Society of PEI, the Immigrant and Refugee Services Association of PEI, La Société acadienne et francophone de l’Î.-P.-É., Le Comité historique Sœur Antoinette Desroches, Le Musée acadien, the Benevolent Irish Society, the PEI Scottish Settlers Historical Society, the Glenaladale Heritage Trust, the Belfast Historical Society, the Caledonian Club, and the Native Council of PEI. In these sessions, the exhibits project team learned about terminology, historiography, issues of representation, and themes and stories directly relating to the main topics of the Province House exhibits that were important to community members.
Another unique engagement session was held in late 2020. The exhibits project team reached out to several scholars of Indigenous law and history across Canada to solicit participants for a “Fast Talk” process. This process included both written and verbal contributions from the scholars, who submitted thoughtful responses to questions provided by the exhibits project team and participated in a virtual gathering where they expanded on specific ideas brought forward in their writing.
Phase Two work is ongoing at the site, including truss reinforcements. The design work for Phase Three and select demolition is also underway. The Phase Four team completes the interpretive plan and begins to plan for the development of the exhibit content.

In January, a new contractor is awarded the contract to continue the conservation work on the 99 historic windows designated for Province House National Historic Site.
Parks Canada collaborated with L’nuey to coordinate four national Indigenous engagement sessions. These virtual sessions were held April to June 2021, and brought together Indigenous peoples from across the country to discuss the impacts, past and present, of Canadian confederation on Indigenous peoples. A Mi’kmaw facilitator was contracted by L’nuey to host the sessions and lead the discussions. These engagements were very meaningful, honest, and sometimes difficult, and provided great insight that will help guide the project team in the development of the exhibit.
In June 2021, the first meetings of the Province House Stakeholder Advisory Committee and First Nations Advisory Circle were held. Members of these advisory groups will be involved in the development and review both the exhibit design and content. Based on input and feedback from the national Indigenous engagement sessions and the First Nations Advisory Committee, and following the passing of Bill C-15, and Act respecting the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Parks Canada made the decision to present the exhibit in three (3) languages: Mi’kmaq, English, and French. As a result, the exhibit design evolved to include an audio guide to support the presentation of content.

The above grade interior masonry work is 95 per cent complete, with 80 per cent of the below grade work complete. The west pavilion wall in the Confederation Chamber, north elevation rebuilds (on either side of the north portico) as well as the south/west elevation rebuilds are completed. The completion of the west pavilion wall in the Confederation Chamber is stunning and showcases one of the largest sections of restored masonry in one of the most important rooms in the building.

The stone column capital on the south west corner of the building’s south portico is removed/replaced. It took an exceptionally skilled stonemason six weeks to carve this large stone into a beautifully adorned stone column capital.

The roof work is also underway. Contractors are using a combination of traditional materials with new, state-of-the-art components and high-quality design, which will not only restore the roof, but improve it. The new roof will enhance water management and prevent water from entering into the walls. The new insulation will reduce ice build-up and damming on the roof ensuring that the structure will be better protected from nature’s battering. There will also be less on-going maintenance and repairs required going forward.

In December, the new window contractor conducts first window installation mock-up. Students in Heritage Retrofit Carpentry Program continue to conserve the two windows for Province House National Historic Site. This cohort of students is currently rebuilding the frames. They’ve installed the glass back into the four feet wide and nine feet high windows and are in the process of coating all the bare wood with linseed oil and glazing the windowpanes. Glazing is a mixture of linseed oil and chalk (calcium carbonate) and is required to set for four weeks. The next step is for students to give the windows three coats of linseed oil paint.

Parks Canada and Public Services and Procurement Canada are pleased to have shared a number of milestones in 2022 including:
Sail Cloth removal:

Parks Canada and Public Services and Procurement Canada were excited to take part in the removal of the white sail cloth at Province House National Historic Site in July 2022. The exoskeleton and sail cloth covering were erected in 2018 in order to create ideal conditions for the masonry work. This was the first time in almost four years that the public has had the chance to see this historic building. As one of the most labour-intensive aspects of the conservation project, the removal of the sail cloth marks the end of this multi-year effort to repair and replace the interior and exterior stones on the building.
Masonry work completion:

Masonry work for the Province House conservation project began in the fall of 2018 and was one of the most labour intensive aspects of the project. The exterior masonry work was completed in February and the interior above-grade masonry work was completed in April.
In total, there are 8,000 exterior stones on the building. RJW Stonemasons Ltd. arrived at the site in November 2018. In preparation for the exterior masonry work, stonemasons lasered the exterior stones on the building. This process cleaned and removed any imperfections on the stones. Stonemasons did a series of exterior, interior and repair mockups in January 2019 before work could begin. Stonemasons repaired approximately 3,800 exterior stones in situ and replaced approximately 1,300 exterior stones.
Approximately 108 cubic metres of interior stone was replaced. The process for replacing the interior stones required stonemasons to rake out all of the mortar (six inches deep) on the interior face of the wall. The maximum diameter that could be opened up in one area was 0.7 square metres, otherwise, it would affect the integrity of the wall.
In looking at how to manage temperature control within the building, a hygrothermal modeling computer program was used. This type of modeling analyses the heat and moisture within a building and predicts potential problems based on heating outputs and the outside climate. Since there is no insulation or vapor barriers on the exterior walls, a 12 mm lime plaster coating is being added to help regulate the moisture content within the wall structure and to keep the building warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Window installation:

A total of 101 windows were restored for Province House National Historic Site. The windows are double hung with counterweights. Almost all of the window assemblies (frames and sashes) are original to when the building was constructed between 1843-1847; however, only a small number of original glass panes remain.
Parks Canada was pleased to celebrate a small milestone earlier this spring, with some special local partners. Ninety-nine of the 101 windows were shipped to a specialised facility in Ontario. The other two windows were conserved by students in the Heritage Retrofit Carpentry program at Holland College here on Prince Edward Island and were installed by students in early May 2022. Students had begun this process in 2019, under the guidance of Josh Silver, Learning Manager for the Heritage Retrofit Carpentry program. An expert conservator also worked with students in this exceptional training experience.
Parks Canada recognizes by encouraging young people to discover and connect with these incredible natural and cultural places, we can inspire the next generation of stewards for these national treasures. The Agency and Holland College are currently looking at other ways for students in the Heritage Retrofit Carpentry Program to assist in Phase 3 of the conservation project.
Roof Work:

The roof has been the source of chronic problems for this historic building. Over the years, water infiltration through the roof near the eaves and the annual freeze/thaw cycle have been the greatest enemy of the building’s interior and exterior stone walls.
The roof work was completed in August 2022. The last time the roof was replaced was in the 1980s and the slate material came from a quarry in Vermont. Since the quarry was unable to supply replacement materials, the Province House conservation project team had to search for similar slate material elsewhere. After some research, the team was able to source slate material from the United Kingdom that is the same as was originally used on the building when it was first constructed. The new roof features copper cladding, thermal insulation and new slate shingles. This combination of traditional materials and modern day components/high-quality design, has not only restored the roof, but improved it, so less on-going maintenance and repairs will be required going forward.
Parks Canada issued an invitation to tender to pre-qualified bidders for Phase 3 rehabilitation work in Spring 2022. The bids received by contractors were higher than anticipated. Parks Canada carefully considered options and determined the best and most time-effective approach would be to retender this phase of the project.
The underpinning of the basement (lowering of the cellar floor) was completed at the site in 2023. The contractor excavated a meter down (the elevator shaft was excavated three meters) to create enough headroom so that the basement can accommodate accessible and inclusive washroom facilities, a staff lunchroom, storage facility and a mechanical and electrical service room. This work began in the fall of 2022 and was a painstaking process. It involved supporting sections of the walls, excavating rock and soil, and pouring new concrete. Only small sections of concrete, each no more than 800 mm long, could be completed at a time. A structural engineer followed this work closely to ensure the building remained structurally sound throughout the entire process.
Phase 3 revised tenders were published on the Government of Canada’s electronic tendering service (Buy and Sell) to seek bid from the industry in July.
On November 15, 2023, an additional $46 million was announced for the Province House conservation project. This brings the total investment for the long-term preservation of Province House to $138 million. The new timeline for completion of the remaining work and reopening to the public is expected to be in 2025.
As the structural work continued towards completion, work on the renewed visitor experience also progressed. Themes, content, design all were further developed and reviewed by multiple community experts and professional experts. The visitor experience elements will provide an opportunity for Canadians to connect with history and learn more about Canada’s rich heritage.

With the underpinning exercise (lowering of the basement floor) complete, contractors began pouring the concrete in the basement.
Before this work could get underway, the underground services including septic, water, electrical, and communication conduits had to be installed. The conduits were buried in a trench then covered with rigid insulation and waterproofing membrane. Rebar grids placed on top of the waterproofing provide structural strength for the floor slab and provide a lattice to attach heating tubes for the new hydronic heating system. The concrete is being poured according to the three main heating zones. The finished concrete slab will be about 5 inches thick with about 8 inches of gravel below it.
Above grade, plaster elements and woodwork are underway. The plaster team is currently prefabricating plaster moldings and medallions. Most of the decorative elements were made off site, however some of that work needs to happen in situ where the walls are not plumb, level, and square. In total, the crew is replacing about 2,000 linear feet of cornice and 18 medallions in the building. The team has also begun plastering the walls inside the building The walls consist of three coats: the first layer consists of lime, sand, and hair, the second layer consists of lime and sand, and the third layer consists of lime plaster. Before that work could begin, the existing plaster walls and ceilings were stripped of paint and their edges were prepared to seamlessly join with new plaster.
Floor repair work is also proceeding at the site. The carpentry team is replacing any worn or rotten pieces with white pine – the same material used originally. The team did find a section of old hardwood flooring in excellent shape in the east pavilion, and they plan on refinishing that section.
The window trims, the casework that hides the gaps between the walls and the windows, is being repaired at a specialized facility in Ottawa, Ontario. Once restored, these will be shipped to site to be reinstalled.
The onsite carpentry team examined the conditions of the doors and doorframes. During Phase 1 of the conservation project, the doors were removed and the casings and moldings for the door were left in place and encased with protective covering. This is the first time the protective coverings have been removed in 7 years. Most of them are in good shape, however some repair work is needed. The team has stripped the doors (including the hardware) and are in the process of repairing any cracks or splits in the wood.
The conduits were drilled in July 2024 for the geothermal heating and cooling system which will supplement the existing climate control. Currently, heating needs of the building use Charlottetown’s district heating system for winter months. In summer, there has been no centralized air conditioning. With the new geothermal system, overall energy consumption will be greatly reduced, which aligns well with the Government of Canada’s carbon reduction goals under the Greening Government initiative. The added efficiency will save about $10,000 annually.
The heart of the system will be a dozen 500-foot deep wells which access the ground water aquifer beneath the historic site. Water will not be extracted from the wells, but rather the aquifer will serve as a heat sink to store heat in the summer and keep the building cooler and humidity balanced. In the winter, the process reverses and heat is taken from the ground water and brought into the building.
A big plus side of the new system will be the ability to control heat and humidity year-round. Climate control within the building is not just about maintaining comfortable temperatures and improved air quality, but it ensures the building and its contents are better protected and preserved and not subjected to damaging fluctuations of temperature and humidity.
The design, development, and installation of the new visitor experience offer at Province House is ongoing. The Exhibit Project team is currently working on content review and finalizing exhibit design.
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