Rocking the Boat: A celebration of women who make waves

HMCS Haida National Historic Site

Join us in honouring the women of the Second World War as we share stories and celebrate the contributions of women in the military and on the home-front!

Lieutenant-Commander Adelaide Sinclair
The first woman to hold the rank of naval captain.
Iolanda “Vi” Connolly
Hamilton’s “Rosie the Riveter.”
Joan Curran
Protecting ships and aircraft with radar chaff.
Sergeant Karen Hermiston
The only Canadian female WWII army photographer to serve overseas.  
Bridget Ann Knockwood
One of the 4,000 women who built Canada’s naval force.
Veronica Foster
The woman behind “Ronnie the Bren Gun Girl."
Qapik Attagutsiak
Voluntarily took up the task of collecting bones in Igloolik.
WRCNS Spells Wrens
Women officially join the Royal Canadian Navy.

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