How We Got Here

Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites

State of the Sites Assessment

In 2019, a review of the 2003 Management Plan and standard assessments of the state of the sites was completed. It revealed that Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites are doing well in many areas, but also need work in others. Below is a snapshot of this assessment.

Key indicators are grouped into five main themes–cultural resources, external relations, Indigenous relations, visitor experience and built assets. Using established thresholds, indicators are rated as: Good, Fair, or Poor.

Themes that are doing well (rated as Good):

  • Visitor Experience, including visits, visitor enjoyment, learning opportunities, and visitor satisfaction.
  • External Relations, including promotional initiatives and support for the sites.
  • Cultural Resources including landscape features, buildings and engineering works.
  • Built Assets, including the state of the buildings.

Themes that need attention (rated as Fair or Poor):

  • Cultural Resources, including objects and archaeological sites.
  • Built Assets, including the visitor facilities (oTENTiks, day-use areas, parking lot, trails).
  • Indigenous Relations, including partnerships, access, mutual respect, incorporation of Indigenous knowledge, and support for communities. More needs to be done to build and strengthen relationships with First Nations groups on whose land the sites are located.

Since 2019, many other aspects requiring attention have been identified, including site accessibility, greening of operations, climate change mitigations, and transportation to the sites. These are also being considered in the development of the new Management Plan, and are reflected below.

Opportunities and Challenges

Based on the State of the Site Assessments, Parks Canada set the scope of the plan. This process identified a number of opportunities and challenges in managing Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites. These were considered in the development of the new Management Plan, and lead to the proposed Key Strategies, Objectives and Targets of the Draft Management Plan.

Profiles of sites

Communicating the different themes and opportunities available at the sites presents a challenge. The profile of the sites needs to capture and integrate the full range of cultural and natural resources that are protected and presented at the sites.

Indigenous Relations

In order to manage the site effectively and include Indigenous perspectives, it is important to recognize and honour First Nations’ connections to the sites, and to sustain and improve partnerships related to Coast Salish perspectives, language and culture, including economic opportunities.

Access to the lighthouse

The causeway leading to the lighthouse requires ongoing maintenance, especially for visitor safety and to ensure operational access to the lighthouse. Additionally, improvements must be made to ensure accessibility.

Urban Pressures

The sites are subject to changes from urban development, including undesirable activities (e.g. trespassing/vandalism), With increased residential development in the surrounding area, there is also increased pressure on the sites for public use as a local greenspace.

Access to the sites

Currently there are no public transportation options for visitors to travel to within 2 km of the sites. There are no nearby bus routes or bike lanes. Existing signage along major thoroughfares on the way from downtown Victoria need improvement.

Connection to the larger tourism market

The Greater Victoria Region is a busy and competitive tourism market, notably including a cruise market, with many attractions located in the downtown core. Increased collaboration with nearby attractions is needed to encourage tourists from the downtown area to make the short trip to the western communities.

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