Ivvavik National Park, Yukon
Wildlife webcams and remote cameras
From northern Yukon to the waters of Quebec’s Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park, our webcams and remote cameras capture the wild lives of wildlife. These cameras are a valuable tool in collecting data and monitoring wildlife populations. They also let people get close to wildlife… without actually getting close.
Featured location: Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks, British Columbia

Are you curious about how animals use the forests, valleys and slopes of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks? Take an interactive tour of images caught by motion-triggered remote cameras. These images develop our understanding of wildlife behaviour within the parks. They also provide some great candid moments of the animals from day to day!
Launch the wildlife cameras mapRemote cameras

These cameras are mounted on trees or posts and are protected by heavy-duty casing. They use an infra-red flash so that they don’t scare animals at night.
Live webcams

Grasslands National Park
Wapusk National Park Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine ParkWildlife webcams at Grasslands and Wapusk National Parks are run in partnership with explore.org. At Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park, the webcam is operated by our partner la Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (Sépaq).
- Playful wolves (video)
Riding Mountain National Park - Bear cub playing in a tree (video)
Riding Mountain National Park - Polar bears (photos and time-lapse imaging)
Wapusk National Park - Wolverine (time-lapse imaging)
Wapusk National Park - Cougar family (photos)
Waterton Lakes National Park - Muskoxen, grizzly bears and more (video)
Ivvavik National Park
Rhinoceros Auklets at Seabird Rocks, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
This video contains no spoken words
These birds are affected by changes in ocean food webs that might be caused by a warming climate.
Tools like motion-sensitve cameras, help scientists learn more about how those changes might impact wildlife.
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