Element 03 – Fort Frederick,Kingston

< Element 02–
Fort Henry, Kingston
  Element 04 -
Cathcart Tower, Cedar Island
Fort Henry
The Royal Military College of Canada was developed adjacent to Fort Frederick, which now serves as the museum for the college.
© Parks Canada

Located at the southern end of Point Frederick, the fort consists of a Martello tower with caponiers, a ditch enclosed within earthworks and a masonry curtain wall. Fort Frederick’s field of fire covered Navy Bay to the east, the north channel of the St. Lawrence River on the south and, on the west, the entrance to the Rideau Canal. Fort Frederick is part of the Kingston Fortifications National Historic Site of Canada. It is a component of the Royal Military College of Canada, which is administered by the Department of National Defence. The Parks Canada Agency’s Cultural Resource Management Policy applies only to sites owned by the agency and, therefore, there is no CRM rating for Fort Frederick.

Cultural Resources

Martello tower – This is the largest of the defensive towers in Kingston. It is 14 m high with a diameter of 18 m at the base, 1848. FHB.

Earthworks – The massive earthworks of the fort contain the powder magazine and surround the Martello tower, 1848. FHB.

Masonry curtain wall – The wall encloses the northern end of the fort, 1848. FHB.

Fortified guard house – Located on the exterior of the curtain wall, this structure provided shelter for the fort’s guards, 1848. FHB.

The Martello tower
The Martello tower and associated fortifications.
© Parks Canada

< Element 02–
Fort Henry, Kingston
  Element 04 -
Cathcart Tower, Cedar Island


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