Visitor Centre

Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area

Visitor Centre concept art

The Parks Canada’s Administration and Visitor Centre will be the primary base for administrative and operational functions for the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area, including management, resource conservation, visitor experience, maintenance and law enforcement. It will house visitor reception and orientation for discovering Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area.

This project will serve three purposes: it will house Parks Canada’s operational functions and administration of the National Marine Conservation Area; it will provide meaningful visitor experiences through interpretive exhibits that highlight the natural and cultural stories of the region; and it will demonstrate innovation and leadership in sustainable building practices.

Frequently asked questions

  • What was announced on January 31st, 2024?

    The Government of Canada announced an investment of over $37 million to construct an Administration and Visitor Centre, that will serve as Parks Canada’s primary operations base and visitor reception area for Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area.

    This impressive project illustrates the Government of Canada and Parks Canada’s shared efforts to reduce energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, procure green energy, and increase climate resilience in our assets, services and operations.  Through infrastructure investments, Parks Canada is protecting and conserving national treasures, while supporting local economies and contributing to growth in the tourism sector.

  • What work has been done so far?

    The pre-design report for the Administration and Visitor Centre was completed in July 2020, followed by the schematic design completion in May 2023. The tendering process began in spring 2023, with the contract awarded in early January 2024. In parallel, work has been underway and is nearing completion for the exhibit and interpretation design for the Visitor Centre.

    With the contract now awarded, Parks Canada continues to discuss next steps with the general contractor, Finn Way Contractors Inc. and to determine construction timelines. Ground-breaking for the Administration and Visitor Centre is expected to occur in late spring or early summer 2024, with construction projected to take between 24-30 months to complete. More specific details on construction timelines will be publicly shared in the coming months; however, Parks Canada anticipates the building to be open to the public in 2026.

  • When will the Lake Superior Administration and Visitor Centre be open to the public?

    Parks Canada is planning to host a ground-breaking ceremony to kick-off the construction period for the Administration and Visitor Centre, which is expected to occur in late spring or early summer 2024. Construction is projected to take between 24-30 months to complete. More specific details on construction timelines will be publicly shared; however, Parks Canada anticipates the building to be open to the public in 2026.

  • What will visitors be able to do at the Lake Superior Administration and Visitor Centre?

    The Administration and Visitor Centre building will welcome Canadians and visitors from around the world, facilitating meaningful visitor experiences and sharing the rich history of Indigenous peoples and regional coastal communities, while housing operational functions to ensure the ecologically sustainable use and cultural heritage of this special place.

    Visitors will be able to access the building to learn about the area, programs and events, features and wildlife as well as its diverse history and ecology in an interactive, visually appealing and accessible manner. Parks Canada staff will greet and engage with visitors to answer questions, offer information and programs and share the exciting aspects of Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area in a cutting edge, environmentally sustainable facility.

  • What is Passive House Plus?

    Passive House is an internationally acknowledged standard for energy efficient architecture. The main points of Passive House include exceptionally high levels of insulation in the thermal envelope, well-insulated window frames and glazing, thermal bridge-free construction, an air-tight building envelope, and ventilation with heat or energy recovery. These allow the building to achieve a specific level of energy efficiency.

    The Passive House Plus standard, to which this building will be constructed, seeks even more efficiencies, with the added expectation that the energy required for the building is generated on-site through sustainable means, in this case, through geothermal heat and photovoltaic electricity.

    The Government of Canada is committed to greening operations and supporting Canada’s transition to a cleaner economy. Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges of our time and the Government of Canada is leading by example and committing to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and delivering a low-carbon, climate-resilient and clean-growth economy.

  • How will this building be net-zero?

    Achieving net-zero emissions means either producing no greenhouse gas emissions or offsetting emissions; for example, through actions such as tree planting or employing technologies that can capture carbon before it is released into the air.

    The Administration and Visitor Centre will achieve net-zero carbon, which means that no carbon emissions will be emitted for the operation and occupancy of the building; therefore, no carbon will need to be offset or captured. This will be achieved by using Passive House building practices, as well as geothermal and solar sources for energy to achieve the Passive House Plus.

    Parks Canada has been working hard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the sites it administers, in part through actions such as consolidating and modernizing its built assets and fleet. Locating a zero-carbon, zero emissions building at a Parks Canada administered site has the benefits of providing high public visibility and the opportunity to inspire climate change mitigation efforts and environmental leadership.

Visitor Centre Concept Art

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