Careers in Human Resources

What is it like to work in Human Resources at Parks Canada?

We are highly motivated and energetic Human Resources professionals, who work with the guardians of our national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas of Canada.

We work with a diverse range of colleagues: from fire crew members, search and rescuers, underwater archaeologists, ecosystem scientists, heritage presenters and many more.

Bring your expertise and help us make a difference in protecting and presenting Canada’s natural and cultural heritage for generations to come.

How to apply

We have work locations across Canada. Find career opportunities and sign up for job alerts.

In our own words

"We contribute to finding the best people to work the best jobs across the country and ensure that they can feel happy, safe and respected while at work."

Charles Mercier
Talent and Performance Management, and Executive Resourcing
Human Resources Advisor
National Office
Validation of discovery of HMS Terror – September 2016
"We’ve all heard it: an organization’s greatest asset is its people. As a Human Resources Advisor, I back up the employees and managers and make sure the team serving Canadians is the best it can be."

Eric Ingram
Human Resources Advisor
Ontario Waterways Unit
"Where else in Canada can I combine interesting and challenging work with a dedicated network of Human Resources professionals and this breathtaking view like this from my office window? Better yet, we get to support passionate colleagues who are working diligently to preserve and present these special places."

Catherine Bellerose
Human Resources Manager
Banff Field Unit

Human Resources disciplines at Parks Canada

Disability management

Disability Management involves preventing and managing absence from work due to illness or injury. We help minimize the impact on the ill or injured employee's ability to participate in the workplace.

We provide information on disability process to facilitate ill or injured employees ‘recovery, and their return to meaningful and productive employment as soon as possible and if applicable. This role is supported by a range of legislative requirements, Treasury Board policies, collective agreements and Parks Canada Disability Management Policy, Duty to Accommodate and applicable health benefits and group insurance plans.

Diversity, youth and official languages

The Diversity, Youth and Official Languages team:

  • ensure the delivery of an excellent service and a quality visitor experiences in the official language of choice across Canada
  • promotes the creation of an inclusive, representative, diversified, respectful and meaningful work environment for all Parks Canada team members
  • promotes and supports student hiring through employment programs and the development of directives, guidelines and tools and
  • creates interesting and engaging job opportunities for youth.

The team collaborates with human resources colleagues, clients and partners to ensure the success of its programs and initiatives.

Indigenous workforce strategies

The Indigenous Workforce Strategies team supports Parks Canada Agency's (PCA) mandate to advance reconciliation in a meaningful way and is tailored to incorporate place-based approaches that reflect unique relationships with Indigenous partners. The team, working together with Indigenous peoples, leads as a change agent to ensure that PCA's human resources regime and practices are supportive and inclusive of First Nations, the Métis Nation and Inuit, and that relationships are based on recognition and respect.

Human resources operations

Working in a team, Human Resources Managers/Advisors provide operational services in one or more human resources disciplines, such as staffing, classification and organization, learning, labour relations, employment equity, performance, disability management, occupational safety and health, pay and/or human resource planning within a field unit or a directorate.

The operational staffing team is responsible for developing and implementing strategies, tools, recruitment and staffing processes as well as helping hiring managers in carry out staffing activities.

Human resources planning

Human resources planning identifies an organization’s current and future human resources needs. It serves as a link between human resources management and the Agency’s strategic plan.

We forecast generic and unique staffing requirements, and identify partnership opportunities. These efforts lead to an integrated human resources planning approach, while taking into account specific requirements of individual positions.

Labour relations

Effective labour-management relations represents a cornerstone of good human resource management.

Managers and supervisors need to be aware of their rights and obligations under the laws, policies and collective agreements in order to carry out their duties.

We are responsible for providing advice and guidance to management on collective agreement entitlements, employee grievances and complaints, harassment, discipline, discrimination, duty to accommodate and unsatisfactory performance.

Learning, development and recognition

Parks Canada fosters a culture of excellence through learning and development opportunities available to all team members. The Agency also promotes individual and organizational engagement through meaningful recognition.

We advise and facilitate learning and engagement activities; support the development of internal learning and engagement activities, and liaise with learning and recognition partners such as the Canada School of Public Service and the Treasury Board Secretariat.

We develop tools, guidelines and policies related to learning and recognition.

Occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety experts are committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace by preventing accidents, illnesses and eliminating and/or reducing occupational risks and potential dangers.

This commitment is guided by the Hazard Prevention Program that provides information and tools to implement and monitor a program to prevent occupational hazards as required under Part II of the Canada Labour Code (CLC) legislation.

The promotion of a healthy and safe workplace is through the internal responsibility system, a shared responsibility of employee and employer.

Organization and classification

The Organization and Classification function helps determine the value of work in the organization and provides a basis for employee compensation.

This role contributes directly to a well-managed organization and its individual business units.

The overall program comprises policies and related instruments, job evaluation standards, work descriptions, job evaluations, oversight, and recourse mechanisms, and importantly operational service delivery to clients.

Resourcing policy

The Resourcing Policy team is responsible for creating and updating all of the Agency’s staffing policies, guidelines and direction as well as providing official interpretation and monitoring.

We manage the Priority Administration system and provide Priority Clearance Numbers for staffing actions across the organisation.

We have the role of super users (main point of contact) for the public service resourcing system for all Parks Canada administrators of this system.

Talent and performance management

Talent and performance management helps employees achieve excellence in public service leadership by maximizing their contributions and ensuring that they are matched to the right job for their skills, competencies, and career plans.

We empower all team members, including the executive group, to achieve their full potential, while delivering optimum performance in the regular tasks.

Wellness at work

The workplace plays a significant role in a person’s life and has an impact on health and wellness.

At Parks Canada, we promote and provide a healthy and safe workplace environment so that employees can perform at their best.

Resources and tools are available in order to overcome difficult situations, such as the Employee and Family Assistance Program.

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