Rouge Beach Improvements Project

Rouge National Urban Park

This project features a revitalization of the Beach Day Use Area, one of the most visited areas in Rouge National Urban Park; a new trail that will provide an in-park connection from Rouge Beach to the existing Mast trail; and a revitalization of the existing Mast Trailhead, which will be the northern limit of this new trail. This project will enhance and further protect the natural and cultural integrity of the area and foster meaningful connections to its beauty and rich history.

Thank you for sharing your feedback!

The What We Heard Report is now available for the Rouge Beach Improvements Project, summarizing 15 months of public engagement. 

The comment period for the Detailed Impact Assessment is now closed. All feedback received is currently being reviewed and considered by Parks Canada for inclusion in the final DIA. A report will be released soon that will summarize the public comments received, and an indication of the design changes made as a result. Once finalized, the public may request a final version of the DIA by sending an email to

Parks Canada sincerely thanks all those who took the time to comment and share their opinions, ideas, and suggestions about the proposed improvements to the area. 

What's next?

Emergency repairs to mitigate climate change, flooding and erosion
Flooding at Rouge Beach

Phase 1 includes work associated with the revitalization of Rouge Beach that will address climate change, flooding and erosion mitigation, and update failing or decaying infrastructure. Improvements to the Rouge Beach day use area include replacing the beach washroom facility, replacement of the sanitary lift station and line, addition of a pedestrian plaza, decommissioning and renaturalizing the lower beach parking lot, relocating the primary canoe/kayak launch zone closer to the upper parking lot, and redesigning the Rouge Beach upper parking lot to improve visitor safety and traffic management. To offset the loss of the lower parking area, Parks Canada is also working with the City of Toronto to add municipal lands to the park that can accommodate additional parking capacity.

Restoration and emergency repair work are expected to commence in the spring of 2022. Intermittent beach closures are expected while work is underway, and notices of closure will be clearly communicated and posted throughout neighbouring communities.

The What We Heard Report is available for viewing online and summarizes the feedback Parks Canada received from partners, stakeholders and the public during the project’s extensive 15-month public engagement period (February 1, 2020, to May 1, 2021).

Trail, ecological and safety enhancements, including formalizing existing trails and adding boardwalk and bridge components as required
Rouge Beach Boardwalk

Phase 2 includes work associated with more detailed ecological restoration, formalizing existing trail connections and adding boardwalk and bridge connections as required. The ecological and safety enhancements to the areas where the boardwalk trail and bridges will be added include restoration work, tree planting, invasive species removal, habitat creation for species-at-risk, litter and contamination removal and clean-up, the addition of wildlife crossings and passages, and safety features of the boardwalk trail and bridges. Restoration and project work is expected to commence in late 2022, with a targeted completion by the end of 2023. Intermittent beach and area closures are expected while work is underway, and notices of closure will be clearly communicated and posted throughout neighbouring communities.

The What We Heard Report is available for viewing online and summarizes the feedback Parks Canada received from partners, stakeholders and the public during the project’s extensive 15-month public engagement period (February 1, 2020, to May 1, 2021).

Key milestones

  • June 2019 - Transfer of 18.5 km2 of lands from the TRCA to Rouge National Urban Park
  • December 2019 - Completion of Beach and Boardwalk Technical Feasibility Report
  • February 2020 - West Rouge Community Site Tours
  • February 2020 to May 2021 – Extensive public engagement period
  • February 2022 – Release of What We Heard Report and Draft Detailed Impact Assessment

The Rouge Beach Improvements Project features

A Revitalization of the Rouge Beach Day Use Area - one of the most visited areas in Rouge National Urban Park

Infrastructure enhancements will improve the natural environment—addressing climate change, flooding, erosion, species-at-risk, invasive species, and ecological restoration —and provide safe visitor access to the waterfront and Mast Trail areas.




A Formalized Trail & Boardwalk Connection Connecting Rouge Beach to the rest of Rouge National Urban Park

The proposed new trail and raised boardwalk will connect Rouge Beach to the rest of the park at large, leading up to the Twyn Rivers day use area and, eventually, the future park visitor centre near the Toronto Zoo. The trail will also provide visitors with a low-impact, more respectful experience of this ecologically sensitive area than existing routes.

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