Facilities and services

Point Pelee National Park

Universal access

Point Pelee continues to improve access to services for all visitors.

Visitors can enjoy closed-captioned theatre programs at the Visitor Centre.

Wheelchair access is available at Camp Henry, the DeLaurier building exhibits and parking, and at the Visitor Centre.

Accessible washrooms are available at Northwest Beach, the Tip and the Visitor Centre. Inclusive washrooms are available at Northwest Beach, the Tip and the Visitor Centre.

The Marsh Boardwalk area and Northwest Beach also provide accessible parking, picnic tables, washrooms and barbecues.

All terrain wheelchairs are available free of charge from the Visitor Centre. Limited quantities available. Reserve at the Visitor Centre or by calling 519-322-2365 ext. 0.

For more information, please contact the park


Point Pelee National Park is easily accessible by car with a parking capacity of over 700 vehicles.

Parking is available at the Visitor Centre, Marsh Boardwalk, DeLaurier and at all picnic and beach facilities. Parking is available at Camp Henry for overnight visitors, a parking permit is required. The Tip area is open to private vehicles from November to March, but is accessible only by a shuttle service, which is included in admission fee, from April to October.

Parking is in designated areas only. Vehicles parked in non-designated areas may be towed.

Visit our park maps page to obtain a map indicating all parking facilities in the park.


All picnic and beach areas in the park have washroom facilities as well as the Visitor Centre, Tip Area, and Marsh Boardwalk.

Year-round washrooms include: The Marsh Boardwalk, White Pine, the Visitor Centre and the Tip.

Seasonal washrooms include: Northwest Beach, Dunes, Sleepy Hallow, Madbin Jina, Black Willow Beach and West Beach.

Wheelchair accessible washrooms are available at the Tip and the Visitor Centre. 

Inclusive washrooms are available at Northwest Beach, the Visitor Centre and the Tip. Inclusive washrooms are also available at Camp Henry.

Visit our park maps page to obtain a map indicating all parking facilities in the park.

Middle Island

Public access to this island is prohibited between March 1 and September 1 each year to protect nesting sites of colonial waterbirds. There are no visitor facilities available on Middle Island (no docking, shelter, or washrooms).

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