
Auyuittuq National Park

Seasonal area closure: polar bears

Issued: April 29, 2019

Pursuant to subsection 36(1) of the National Park General Regulations, the following area is hereby seasonally closed for all persons not exercising harvesting rights under the Nunavut Agreement by Order of Superintendent, Nunavut Field Unit.

Where: All marine areas, including sea ice, of the fiords north of Narpaing Fiord that fall within Auyuittuq National Park. See attached map.

When: March 1 to May 31 annually.

Why: Polar bear activity in this area is high during the spring period when females and cubs are leaving denning sites adjacent to these fiords. This restriction has been put in place to increase visitor safety and to reduce disturbances of bears during this important period.

Persons contravening this closure may be subject to prosecution under the Canada National Parks Act; maximum fine $100 000.

For more information, call the Park Office at 867-473-2500.

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