Park management plans guide park managers in the protection, management and operation of a national park. A park's management plan outlines the appropriate balance of preservation, education and visitor use goals and sets out the framework and priorities for achieving them.

The current Tuktut Nogait National Park Management Plan was produced cooperatively by Parks Canada and the Tuktut Nogait Management Board, including consultation with partners, key stakeholders, and interested public. The plan was tabled in parliament in 2007.

In 2012 Parks Canada and the Tuktut Nogait Management Board reviewed the management plan and recommended that the plan stand for an additional five years. The Tuktut Nogait National Park Management Board advises on all aspects of park planning, operations and management. The board includes appointees from federal and territorial governments and the Inuvialuit community.

Management decisions in the park occur within the context of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, the Tuktut Nogait Agreement and the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement.

Tuktut Nogait National Park Management Plan (PDF version, 3.09 MB)

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