Establishment Agreement

Park Establishment

3.01 Establishment

The Minister shall propose to Parliament an amendment to the National Parks Act providing for the establishment of the lands shown in Annex "A" to this Agreement as a national park of Canada pursuant to this Agreement.

3.02 Removal of lands

No lands shall be removed from the Park without prior consultation with the SHHTC and SHCC and written permission of the IRC .

3.03 Natural character of the park

The Park shall be operated and managed to protect the natural character of the Park and the Park's wildlife populations and their habitat, pursuant to the terms of the National Parks Act. To this end, the Park shall contain a predominant proportion of Zone I - Special Preservation and Zone II - Wilderness.

3.04 Change of character of the park

Any change in the character of the Park, as provided in this Agreement or in the Park Management Plan, shall require the written consent of the Parties.

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