Visiting a remote location

Sable Island National Park Reserve

Important considerations

The natural environment can be hazardous if you are not prepared. This is especially true at on Sable Island which is an extremely remote location. The normal range of commercial, municipal, and medical services is not available. The nature of the environment means that hazardous conditions will frequently exist and visitors should exercise extra caution.


If you are taking medication you should ensure that you bring sufficient supplies for the duration of your visit, and also extra quantities in case of unplanned delays. If you, or anyone in your group, have known allergies you must provide your own medication and ensure you carry it with you at all times.


When you arrive on Sable Island, you can ask Parks Canada personnel about known or temporary hazards on the island. You should ensure that someone on the island knows your travel plans including departure time, route, and expected time of return. It is usually a good idea to carry a marine radio or satellite phone and develop response plans within your group or with Parks Canada personnel. Be sure to note Emergency Contact Numbers before your visit.

Hikers on sand beach Hiking up Bald Dune

When travelling away from the Main Station area, you should carry dry clothing in a waterproof pack. Please be aware of hazards in the terrain:
• Quicksand, salt-water slush, and ice covered water
• Flood conditions
• Uneven terrain, unstable ground, and steep slopes
• Flotsam and jetsam, litter and debris on the beach
• Unstable banks and temporary drainage rivers

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