
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

The earliest evidence of people in the Kejimkujik area dates to about 3000-4000 years ago. This time period is called the Late Archaic, the Mu Awsami Saqiwe’k.

Mi'kmaw history

The land is the keeper of the stories and memories of the Mi’kmaq.

European settlement

European settlement began around 1820s, farming, logging, gold mining, sports hunting and fishing.

History of Kejimkujik Seaside

Human history of Kejimkujik Seaside spans 5000 years: fishing, farming, and Little Hope lighthouse.

National Historic Site Designation

Kejimkujik was designated a National Historic Site in 1995 because of its cultural landscape which attests to 4000 years of Mi’kmaq occupancy.

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