Commercial permits

Akami-Uapishkᵁ-KakKasuak-Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve

The Parks Canada Western Newfoundland and Labrador field unit consists of Gros Morne National Park, Akami-Uapishkᵁ-KakKasuak-Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve, Torngat Mountains National Park, Port au Choix, L'Anse aux Meadows and Red Bay National Historic Sites. These sites boast unparalleled film, photographic and recreational possibilities which leave visitors feeling re-energized and inspired to return. To care for these amazing places and ensure visitor experiences  are not impacted, filming activities have special considerations.

Submit a filming/photography application, a minimum of 20 business days prior to intended film/photography activities to the appropriate contact listed below. Applications are assessed against Canada's National Parks Act, national park regulations and the projects' potential contribution to public awareness, appreciation and education of national parks and national historic sites. If approved, a film/photography agreement is issued.

Please review and submit the filming/photography application keeping the following in mind:

  • Complete the Download DOCX Download DOCXattached Parks Canada Western Newfoundland and Labrador filming/photography application (DOCX, 18 KB) with as much detail as possible with regards to your proposed project. Take note of the filming/photography requirements listed 1-10.
  • Send proof of comprehensive liability insurance policy indicating a minimum of $2,000,000 naming His Majesty, the King in right of Canada as represented by Parks Canada Agency as additionally insured, to be carried throughout the duration of the production in the park/site.
  • If Parks Canada staff are to be part of the project or interviewed, scope of discussion/interview questions must be provided.
  • Usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the Parks Canada parks or sites in Western Newfoundland and Labrador requires Transport Canada Special Flight Operations (SFOC) permit along with special permission from the field unit Superintendent. If requesting usage of unmanned aerial vehicle in the park/site include the following details: Aircraft information (make, model, serial number and province), name of UAV operator.
  • Filming/photography agreement must be formalized seven (7) days prior to proposed film dates
  • Fees may apply and payment to be made in advance of proposed filming.

  • For more information on this process or to submit questions please contact:

    Julia Endicott
    Promotions Officer, Western Newfoundland and Labrador Field Unit


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