
Gros Morne National Park

Special waste classification

Issued: May 01, 2024

Ends: April 30, 2025

WHAT: Pursuant to section 2) of the National Parks Garbage Regulations, the following materials are classified by the superintendent of Gros Morne National Park of Canada as special wastes within the meaning of “garbage” provision:

  • Any liquid from a vehicle or trailer.

Any release of the above liquids is prohibited.

WHERE: Gros Morne National Park of Canada

WHY: This classification as special waste is to prevent interference with visitors’ enjoyment of the park and prevent attraction of wildlife to the highway, among other purposes.

NOTE: Any contravention of this notice constitutes an offence under section 24(2) of the Canada National Parks Act. Failure to comply with that Act, the applicable park regulations or this notice may be grounds for prosecution under the Canada National Parks Act.

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