Riding Mountain National Park and East Gate NHS

Riding Mountain National Park

Management Plan Implementation Update

Management Plan Update: 2015

Management Plans:

  • Identify long term direction and management actions
  • Consistent with Parks Canada Mandate: protect, present, foster understanding for future generations
  • Existing plan Tabled in Parliament 2007, Amended 2012
  • Plan to be revised every 10 years
  • RMNP Revision due 2022

Annual Updates:

  • Progress update to partners, stakeholders and public
  • Implementation highlights 2015-16

A Place for Nature: Managing for Ecological Integrity


  • Wolf movement and prey selection
  • Bison and grazing effects in grasslands
  • Bison wallows on grassland species diversity
  • Bear movement
  • Impact Analysis for the Highway 10 Pavement project

Prescribed Burns: forest and grassland renewal

1100 ha. prescribed burn in 2015 

  • 5 year average is 1000 ha/yr
  • Largest burn was 4000 ha/yr
  • Total area burned since 1994 is 20,000 ha

Aquatic Invasive Species Action:

  • Zebra mussel prevention program: boat inspections and public awareness campaign
  • Boat cove improvements

Management of Clear Lake

  • Developing cooperative agreement with Keeseekoowenin Ojibway FN
  • Joint collection of data on whitefish
  • Connections restored in streams in Clear Lake and other watersheds
  • Documented improvements in nutrient condition of Clear Lake

Bovine Tuberculosis

  • Disease levels continue to drop: cattle testing ended, elk testing continues
  • Cooperation with First Nations and stakeholders continues at high level

Contaminated site remediation

  • Grey Owl Dump, Mt. Agassiz Ski Hill, Wasagaming Gas station: remediated

A Place of Historical and Cultural Significance

East Gate NHS:

  • Revitalization and Public information plan finalized

Aspen Archeological site:

  • Dig completed with Anishinabe partner involvement
  • Further sites on Clear Lake being investigated with partner involvement

Anishinabe Interpretation:

  • First Anishinabe Interpreter hired,
  • Traditional Knowledge Council established
  • 28 events, 7200 contacts

Engaging Canadians: Opportunities for Learning

Outreach/Promotion programs

  • Assiniboine Zoo programs: 14,035
  • Festival du Voyageur/Man. Museum other venues: 8,206
  • Grey Cup Parade/promotional events 67,000

Park Interpretation:

  • New Anishinabe Interpreter hired, program developed
  • 7500 visitors attended park programs (June-Oct and December)
  • 100 schools, 2090 students attended guided park programs

A Place for People: Opportunities for Visitor Experience

  • Expansion of Otentik camping facilities
  • Revitalization of Wasagaming Campground
  • Mountain Bike Trails development
  • Lake Audy Campground Redesign
  • Reopening of Mt. Agassiz site to day use
  • Trail Stewards/Friends of Riding Mountain continue with 4th year of ski trail grooming

A Place for Community: Wasagaming

  • Community Plan for Wasagaming signed
  • Discussions on Destination Marketing Organization launched
  • Limited winter services provided
  • Special Events Series delivered in cooperation with various partners, Friends of Riding Mountain

Throughways and Utilities

Highway 10 resurfacing begins

  • $36 million
  • Anishinabe/Private Company Partnership
  • First year of 5 year project

Revitalize Wasagaming Campground

  • $2.5 million
  • shower/washrooms, electrical services

Water/sewer services installed/upgrades to showers in Old Campground,

  • $2.4 million

Revitalize Maintenance Compound: building reduction/rebuild

  • $2.5 million

A Place for Open Management: Strategy for Regional Integration

Riding Mountain Forum and Senior Officials Forum

  • Maintain dialogue and working relationships with seven First Nation communities surrounding RMNP

Riding Mountain Advisory Board

  • Provide advice on key management plan topics

Wasagaming Tenants Association

  • Annual meetings with cottage, cabin owners and businesses

Bovine TB Stakeholder Advisory Committee

  • Annual meetings to provide updates and seek advice

Riding Mountain Liaison Committee

  • Maintain dialogue and working relationships with surrounding rural municipalities and provincial government related to trans-boundary issues.

Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve

  • Lead strategic planning exercise and report to UNESCO on biosphere status and accomplishments.

Travel Manitoba

  • Continue joint marketing initiatives and working relationships
  • Clear Lake Country Destination Marketing Organization

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