
Mount Revelstoke National Park

Area Closed - Caribou Conservation

Issued: February 03, 2023

Ends: April 23, 2023

WHAT: Pursuant to subsection 36(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the following area is closed to all traffic and travel by order of the Superintendent, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks:

WHERE: West of Clachnacudainn creek, Hamilton creek, summit of Mount Revelstoke, Caribou Cabin area, Summit Trail beyond the fifth crossing of the Meadows in the Sky Parkway, Lindmark Trail beyond the junction that leads to the Meadows in the Sky Parkway (below Eagle Pass Viewpoint), Meadows in the Sky Parkway beyond Eagle Pass Viewpoint, Coursier Creek and Saint Cyr Creek.

See map.

WHY: Caribou in area. Caribou are protected under Sub-section 32 (1) of the Species at Risk Act, where no person shall harass a wildlife species that is listed as an endangered or threatened.

PENALTY: Violators may be charged under the Canada National Parks Act. Maximum penalty $25000.

Start date: 2023-02-04

End date: Until further notice

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