
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

Notice: 2022 management measures to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales

Issued: May 04, 2022

Southern Resident Killer Whales are endangered. They struggle to find enough food to eat and are vulnerable to contaminants. Noise pollution and disruption from boats interfere with their hunt for prey.

When you are boating or paddling around Pacific Rim National Park Reserve you may encounter Southern Resident Killer Whales. Take the actions below to protect the killer whales. Your participation is essential. 

  • Stay 400 metres away from all killer whales in all southern BC coastal waters between Campbell River and just north of Ucluelet, including Barkley and Howe Sound. It’s the law. This includes waters around Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. See map here
  • *New in 2022* Seasonal Slowdown Areas are in place in portions of Swiftsure Bank between June 1 to November 30, 2022. 
    • All vessels transiting through the areas will be required to slow down to no more than 10 knots in these areas. See map here

  • No recreational or commercial salmon fishing in portions of Southern Resident Killer Whale key foraging areas. Closures will be in place in the following locations:


  • Additional ways you can help: 
    • If a killer whale appears near you, turn your engine to neutral and let the whale pass.
    • Stop fishing (do not haul gear) when within 1000 metres of killer whales
    • Go Slow! Reduce your speed to less than 7 knots when you’re within 1000 metres of the nearest marine mammal
    • Turn off echo sounders and fish finders when safe to do so


  • Be Whale Wise


  • Reporting violations or incidents involving marine mammals
    • When you are in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve please call Parks Canada Emergency Dispatch (1-877-852-3100) to report any violations or incidents involving marine mammals to Park Wardens or the appropriate Parks Canada team member.
    • Otherwise, please report any violations or incidents involving marine mammals (that you overserved or were involved in) to Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s 24/7 Observe, Record, Report Line: 1-800-465-4336


  • Additional resources:
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