Species at Risk recovery

Gulf Islands National Park Reserve

Barn swallow

Facts about Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) and how to care for them.

Southern Resident Killer Whale

Facts about Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) and how to care for them.

Common nighthawk

Facts about Common Nighthawks (Chordeiles minor) and how to care for them.

Contorted-pod evening-primrose

Facts about the Contorted-pod Evening-primrose (Camissonia contorta) and how to care for this plant.

Little Brown Bat

Facts about Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) and how to care for them.

Silky beach pea

Facts about the Silky Beach Pea (Lathyrus littoralis) and how to care for this plant.

Slender popcornflower

Facts about the Slender Popcornflower (Plagiobothrys tenellus) and how to care for this plant.


More than 500 plant and animal species are at risk in Canada (according to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) and more than 11,000 throughout the world. Those numbers are rising every day.

Learn about the actions we take in Gulf Islands National Park Reserve to save plants and animals from extinction. Discover ways that you can pitch in. 

Why we help

Helping a plant or animal in trouble is a lot like helping a friend with a problem. First you have to figure out what happened. There’s rarely just one cause, often there are many interrelated reasons. Next you need to act to fix the problem. Almost always, the best approach deals with the big picture.

In Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, when we work on the recovery of a species, we consider the individual species in relation to its entire ecosystem. Often when we improve an ecosystem, we help several plant and animal species at once. 

Most importantly, you must care. Without caring, you won’t be motivated to take action. Learn about some of the species at risk in Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. They need friends like you to help them survive.

Species at Risk in Gulf Islands National Park Reserve

Learn more about our multi-species action plan for Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada

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