
Waterton Lakes National Park

Warning: Bertha Trail; Lakeshore Trail from the townsite to Boundary Bay; Bertha Bay Campground; Boundary Bay Campground

Issued: June 02, 2019

Ends: July 22, 2019

WHY: A black bear is frequenting the area. The bear has not been aggressive, but has approached people and attempted to obtain food.

For this reason we advise:

-Do not approach the bears.

-Carry bear spray and know how to use it

-Keep your dog on a leash, or preferably leave it at home

-Travel in a tight group (of 4 or more)

-Make noise, especially in noisy areas (near running water) or in areas with limited sightlines

Report all bear (carnivore) sightings to 1-888-WARDENS (927-3367).

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