Parks Canada is bringing the mountains to your classroom!

Join us for exciting virtual education programs, live from Waterton Lakes and the other mountain national parks. Each program shares a unique story and will give you a look behind the scenes at these amazing places with Parks Canada experts. These fun and interactive presentations explore a variety of topics including wildlife conservation, archaeological history, protecting at-risk species and more!

 All programs are free and appropriate for ages 6-12.

See the full schedule and register

Past Peak Discovery programs

Missed a Peak Discovery program? You can watch past programs here.

©Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo
The Butterfly Effect

Can the loss of one butterfly have a profound effect on its ecosystem? Join in as we learn about species at risk and how the loss of even one single, small species, can alter an ecosystem in large ways.

©Stephen Harrington
Birds of the Mountain Parks

Join a Parks Canada employee for a high flying, soaring, dipping, and diving bird exploration! Waterton Lakes is home to hundreds of species of birds and spring is the ideal time to come and view them. Join our flock as we discover the unique features that set birds apart from other creatures!

Guardians of the Grasslands

Discover the cultural and conservation importance of bison to Waterton Lakes National Park. Learn about the reintroduction of these incredible animals to the park after the Kenow Wildfire. The Blackfoot name for Waterton Lakes – Paahtómahksikimi – means the inner sacred lake within the mountains. It is a landscape shaped by wind, fire, and water with strong human connections since time immemorial. Witness the enduring and interconnected relationships between bison, humans, and other species on the landscapes of Paahtómahksikimi.

Artifacts in the ashes

Join staff in Waterton Lakes National Park to discover some amazing artifacts that have been unearthed following the 2017 Kenow Wildfire. Discoveries of artifacts, sites and other traces of cultures will be shared, including what this may mean about the presence of people, wildlife and relationships to landscape.

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