Fire ban information

Jasper National Park

Use of the following items is prohibited during a fire ban:

Wood-burning campfire

Charcoal, briquette, or wood barbecues

Turkey fryers

Tiki torches

Outdoor wood-burning stove including cooking shelters

If you are unsure, please ask a Parks Canada staff member
Use of the following items is permitted during a fire ban:
Gas or propane stoves and barbecues
Propane, catalytic, or infrared/radiant heaters
Propane or gas lanterns
Portable propane Firepits
Indoor wood-burning stoves
in fully enclosed buildings

Use equipment that is CSA or UL certified. Look for these symbols or check with the store where it was purchased:

Frequently asked questions

What is a fire ban?

A fire ban is a legal restriction on certain types of fires to prevent human-caused wildfires. In a national park, burning illegally could lead to a fine of up to $25,000.

How does the park decide if a fire ban is needed?

Fire bans are based on local fire hazards, current and forecasted weather conditions, the amount of moisture in vegetation, the regional wildfire situation, and the availability of responders and equipment.

Current and forecasted conditions are evaluated on a daily basis.

What is fire danger?

Fire danger is an index that tells us how easily a fire could start, how difficult a fire may be to control and how long a fire might burn.

Fire ban status is determined by long term trends rather than daily weather or fire danger.

Why is there a fire ban even though it is cold and rainy?

It takes a lot of rain to restore moisture to deep soil layers, trees, and logs that have dried out. Rain quickly evaporates when followed by warm temperatures and wind. This means fire danger can quickly return to high or extreme.

The regional wildfire situation may be more active. It is important for Parks Canada not to have human-caused fires divert resources from naturally caused ones in other areas.

Does a provincial fire ban apply to national parks?

No, regulations and conditions such as weather, elevation, and forest health are not always the same in the province and national parks.

Where can I have a fire once a fire ban is lifted?

When fires are allowed, they must be in metal fire pits or boxes provided by Parks Canada. Random fires are never allowed.

More information

Be fire safe and follow these rules

  • Never leave a flame unattended.
  • Do not throw cigarettes on the ground. Put them out and discard in a bin.
  • Report any sign of wildfire to Parks Canada Dispatch at 780-852-6155 or call 911.

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