
Jasper National Park

Restricted Activity: Areas closed for elk calving in Jasper National Park

Issued: May 13, 2024

Ends: June 30, 2024

Areas closed for elk calving in Jasper National Park

Effective date

May 15, 2024 until June 30, 2024


Pursuant to section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the following activity is restricted or prohibited by order of the Superintendent:

The area outlined on the attached map is closed to public use and travel (foot or bicycle). 

Equestrian travel through the closure is allowed but riders are not to dismount.


Zone 1 (Highway 93)- Commencing from a point at 11 U 427237m E, 5856911m N (#1 on map) following the low water mark of the west bank of the Athabasca River, continuing south to a point at 11 U 427861m E, 5856322m N. Then continuing west to a point at 11 U 427647m E, 5856262m N, 30 m from the east shoulder of highway 93. Thence contouring northward approximately 30m from the east shoulder of highway 93 to connect with the starting point.

Zone 2 (Lac Beauvert)- Commencing from the wooden bridge at 11 U 428547m E, 5860359m N on trail 7 and continuing south to a point at 11 U 428516m E, 5860171m N on the shore of Lac Beauvert. Then continuing south a long the low water mark of the lake to the western edge of the public parking lot at the lake. Then continuing on the western edge of the Lac Beauvert-Old Fort Point road to the junction with trail 7c at a point at 11 U 428360m E,5859378m N. Then contouring northwest to a point at 11 U 428249m E, 5859403m N then contouring southwest back to the trail 7c/7 junction. Then continuing north a long the low water mark of the western channel of the Athabasca River to a point at 11 U 428081m E, 5859785m N then turning east to a point at 11 U 428146m E, 5859825m N. Then continuing northeast along the low water mark of the western channel of the Athabasca River to connect with the starting point.


Elk calving area. Female elk can be very aggressive during this period.


Violators will be charged under the National Parks Regulations: maximum penalty $25 000.

Elk calving closure area: zone 1

Map. Elk calving closure area: zone 1

Elk calving closure area: zone 2

Map. Elk calving closure area: zone 2
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