
Banff National Park

Bear Warning - Town of Banff

Issued: October 09, 2023

Ends: November 03, 2023

Bear Warning - Avertissement: Présence d’ours

WHAT:  Special caution is recommended when travelling in this area due to the following bear related situation.

WHERE: All areas surrounding and including the Town of Banff. See attached map.

WHY: Multiple black and grizzly bears are frequenting the area.

Be prepared to encounter a bear at anytime in and around this area.  Safe practices include:

·         Securing all wildlife attractants, including fruit in and on the ground below, fruiting trees.

·         All food and garbage must be disposed of in a proper receptacle.

·         Pay attention for bears when travelling in this area.

·         Make noise when hiking and cycling.

·         Keep pets on leash and a close eye on children.

·         Carry bear spray and know how to use it.

·         Report all bear sightings immediately to the Visitor Centre or Banff Dispatch at 403-762-1470

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