
Banff National Park

ADVISORY: The elk calving season has begun

Issued: May 15, 2024

Ends: June 30, 2024

Elk calving season May 15th to June 30th

Protective mothers will aggressively protect their newborns by kicking and charging at people.

How do I avoid an elk encounter?
• Stay 30 meters away from all elk;
• Avoid lone female elk, they separate from the herd for calving and may have calves nearby;
• Walk on open roads rather than forest trails to avoid stumbling upon females elk or calves;
• Keep children within arms reach and always keep dogs on a leash;
• Travel in groups and carry a walking stick, pepper spray or umbrella.

What should I do if I can’t avoid an elk encounter?
• Act dominant if an elk gets too close;
• Seek protection behind a tree or vehicle;
• Raise your arms or flap a jacket to make yourself appear larger;
• Maintain eye contact and move away;
• Contact encounters are rare – if knocked down get up and move away. Do not play dead!

Report any incidents to the Resource Conservation office at 403-762-1470.

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