
Banff National Park

RESTRICTED ACTIVITY - Seasonal Lake Minnewanka trail restriction

Issued: July 10, 2019

Ends: September 15, 2019

Lake Minnewanka seasonal trail restrictions

1.     All hiking parties must travel in a minimum group size of four. The maximum distance between two individuals must not exceed 3 metres and should be less when sight or hearing is reduced by the physical surroundings. The hiking party must carry bear spray with them at all times within the restricted area.

2.     Bicycles are not permitted within the restricted area during this period.

3.     Dogs are not permitted within the restricted area during this period.

4.     The Lm8 campground will be closed during this period.


WHAT:  Pursuant to Section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, of the Canada National Parks Act, the following activity is restricted or prohibited by order of the Superintendent:


WHERE: All trails beyond Stewart Canyon to the east park boundary at Devil’s Gap.  This includes the Minnewanka Trail, Aylmer Pass Trail and Aylmer Lookout Trail.  The Lm8 campground is also closed during this restricted period (July 10 to September 15, 2019).


WHY: To increase visitor safety, and to reduce disturbances of grizzly bears during this important feeding season.

PENALTY:  Violators may be charged under the Canada National Parks Act: maximum penalty   

$25 000.

Start date: 10-Jul-19

End date: 15-Sep-19

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