
Banff National Park

Bear Warning: Eastern Section of the Bow Valley Parkway (Highway 1A)

Issued: May 31, 2024

WHAT: Black bears and grizzly bears are frequenting the area. Safe practices are recommended when travelling in this area.

Safe practices include:

·  Pay attention for bears when travelling in this area.

·  Make noise when hiking and cycling.

·  Keep pets on leash and a close eye on children.

·  Carry bear spray and know how to use it.

·  If viewing wildlife always maintain a safe distance and do not approach or startle them.  Minimum distances are 100 meters for bears, wolves, cougars, and coyotes and 30 meters for deer, elk, sheep, and moose. 

·  If passing wildlife, give as much space as possible.

·  If choosing to photograph, do not surround, crowd, or follow an animal.  Use a telephoto lens or zoom.

·  Do not leave food, garbage, and other wildlife attractants unattended.

·  All food and garbage must be disposed of in a proper receptacle.

·  Report all bear sightings immediately to the Visitor Centre, Johnston Canyon Campground kiosk or Banff Dispatch at 403-762-1470

WHERE: All areas on Bow Valley Parkway between the Legacy Trail east entrance and Johnston Canyon. Including Johnston Canyon Campground and parking lot 1 and 2 See attached map.

Start date: 2024-05-31

End date: Until Further Notice

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