Infrastructure program
Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site
In 2015, Parks Canada announced it would be investing 3 billion dollars over five years towards restoring the infrastructure of national historic sites, national parks and national marine conservation areas of Canada.
The goal was to ensure the sustainability of our resources for future generations, while providing an enhanced experience for both visitors and citizens.
Locally, the Federal Infrastructure Investment Program has allowed us to invest more than 75 million dollars over the past 7 years in infrastructure projects including restoring 40% of the walls of the fortifications of Québec, completing key masonry repairs at the Lévis Forts, and restoring the outer walls of key buildings on Grosse-Île.
We invite you to explore the lists below to learn more about the work that was completed at each of our local National Historic Sites.
Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site
Repairs on Fortification walls

- St. John Bastion (right flank) : fall 2021 to spring 2023 COMPLETED
- Ursulines Bastion (left and right faces): summer 2021 to summer 2024 COMPLETED
- Esplanade powder magazine sector: fall 2019 to spring 2021 COMPLETED
- Western Ravelin: spring 2019 to winter 2020-2021 COMPLETED
- St. John Bastion: summer 2018 to winter 2020-2021 COMPLETED
- Montmorency Park sector: spring 2018 to summer 2020 COMPLETED
- Caponier 26: spring 2016 to summer 2017 COMPLETED
- St. John Gate flank: spring 2017 to fall 2017 COMPLETED
- St. Louis Bastion: spring 2017 to summer 2019 COMPLETED
- Ursulines Bastion (left and right flanks): spring 2018 to summer 2019 COMPLETED
The work, as required, the repointing, replacement or restoration of components such as face stones, backing, wood wall caps, drainage system and membranes, and granular filtering materials.

Restoration of Historic structures and buildings
Artillery Park area

- Dauphine Redoubt: spring 2017 to fall 2019 COMPLETED
This work aims to restore the outer walls of the building, including the removal of the exterior plaster to repair the masonry beneath it, so that a new plaster can be installed. The work will also include the restoration of windows, flashings, gutters, fireplaces and interior plaster. This building will be closed to visitors during all the restoration works.
Dufferin Terrace area

- Dufferin Terrace balustrade: fall 2019 to summer 2020 COMPLETED
This work aims to restore the balustrade between Lorne Kiosk and Plessis Kiosk.
- Toboggan slide structure: spring 2017 to fall 2017 COMPLETED
This work aims to reinforce and replace the structural elements of the slide.
Lévis Forts National Historic Site
Masonry repairs at Fort No.1
- Right demi-gorge COMPLETED
- Right flank COMPLETED
The main tasks included: wall section dismantling, repointing, replacement or restoration of the following components: face stones, backing, wood wall caps, drainage system and membranes, granular filtering materials.
Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site
Restoration of the fire protection system

- Catholic chapel: Winter 2018 COMPLETED
- Lazaretto: Fall 2017 COMPLETED
- Disinfection building and the repair shop: Fall 2017 COMPLETED
- Third-class hotel: Fall 2017 COMPLETED
- First-class hotel: Winter 2018 COMPLETED
The work consisted in upgrading the mechanical components and/or replacing the pipes of the fire protection systems, if needed.
Restoration of the outer walls of the buildings
- Old wash house: roof (2016) and siding (2017-2018) COMPLETED
The work was related to the restoration of the exterior wood siding as well as the doors and windows.
Parks Canada, Guardian of the Fortifications of Québec
Current position:00:00:00
Total time:00:01:24
Different view of the fortifications of Québec
Forever on the lookout expecting nothing in return
different point of view, Château Frontenac, St. Lawrence Rivert, St.Louis Gate. Soldiers walking through the fortifications.
For centuries, these walls have protected us at times of conflicts
A soldier yelled and another one fires a musket.
We can see an employee from Parks Canada who works as a mason .Different views of the construction site around the fortifications of Québec.
Now it is our turn to protect them Our walls, and for the sake of our city Our homes it is our responsibility to maintain and to restore them Together just like our forefathers We owe it to the generations to come So we are doing just that stone by selfless stone Parks Canada, gardian of the Fortifications of Québec, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Parks Canada's credits.
The work period indicated above is provided for information purposes only and is based on the current information available to us. Changes could occur depending on the circumstances related to the completion of the work.
For more information
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