Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

On September 2, 2022, Lock 36 - The Kirkfield Lift Lock (KLL) suffered a mechanical failure, resulting in the site’s closure for the remainder of the 2022 navigation season.

Parks Canada advises that repairs are progressing well. In addition to these long-term term repairs that will ensure full operations of the KLL this season, Parks Canada has also put in place the equipment and procedures for short-term, expedited single-tub operations. More updates will follow in the coming weeks as we near the opening day of navigation on May 19, 2023.

The scope of work includes;

  • Repairs to the structural, mechanical and electrical components.
  • System improvements to increase safety controls.
  • Access improvements to critical system components.
  • Backup system improvements to minimize impacts on future maintenance activities.

In order to aid with trip planning for boaters and land-based visitors for the 2023 season, updates will continue to be posted on the Kirkfield Lift Lock webpage.

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