
Residents with questions or concerns pertaining to water levels and flows on the Rideau Canal should first refer to their respective Municipality, Conservation Authority or the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. They are the primary source for relevant flood or drought forecasting information.

Further questions or concerns pertaining to water management on the Rideau Canal can be sent in writing by sending an email to Please include specific details of the area in question and your contact information.

Please note the Parks Canada telephone line dedicated to water management is active and monitored only during the spring freshet (thaw) and in times of flooding.

Parks Canada maintains the Ontario Waterways Water Management InfoNet on the Rideau Canal website.

The InfoNet contains background information on water management practices, water management updates, frequently asked questions about water management, various reports on water management, and the most recent water level of lakes along both the Rideau Canal.

Parks Canada's water management team continues to actively monitor water levels and flows, and weather forecasts across the Rideau Canal. These factors are used to determine dam operations on a daily basis for the Rideau Canal.

Water management on the Rideau Canal is the regulation of water levels and flows to:

  • permit safe boating
  • help mitigate flooding
  • provide water for recreational activities
  • protect fish and wildlife habitat
  • help maintain water quality
  • generate hydro-electric power

When establishing water flows and levels, Canal staff must weigh the risks and requirements of these various uses to arrive at optimal levels. They must also take into account variables over which no control is possible such as topography and allow for variations in climatic conditions (rain, snowfall, temperature, etc.) based upon records of trends, extremes and averages. Daily readings from automatic water level recording stations and from streamflow and precipitation gauges are evaluated at Canal headquarters to guide the engineers' decisions about dam settings, levels and flows. Directions are then communicated to operations staff in each of the two administrative areas who make the agreed changes at the dams.

For more information regarding watershed status, please visit your local conservation authority website:

For other areas along the Rideau Canal corridor, please visit:


  • July 11, 2024


    During the last 3 weeks, the Rideau Canal watersheds have received 50-100% above the normal amount of rain. Water levels were generally higher than normal in advance of the forecasted system as not all watersheds have recovered completely from the last significant rain event. As a result of the widespread system named Tropical Depression Beryl, the watersheds received anywhere between 35-50 mm of rain. The impacts from the above-average amounts of precipitation received remain across the system. Flows and levels are above normal for this time of the year across all locations. The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    All lakes are above the average for this time of the year and are expected to continue rising.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake levels remain above average and are expected to increase. Flows on the lower Tay River are above average and expected to increase. The Rideau Water Management Team will be closely monitoring the changing conditions in this area.

    Rideau River

    Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are above average and currently increasing. Flows are above average for this time of the year and are expected to increase from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back.

  • June 27, 2024


    Rainfall amounts for June have been above normal. The 5-day forecast suggests continued average daytime temperatures with 5-15mm of rain.


    Flows on the Upper Tay River are above average and peaked. The inflows have increased across the system because of rain, and as a result, water levels are increasing and slightly above average. The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    The above-normal rain amounts are resulting in continued water level increase on the Cataraqui Lakes. All lakes are above average and peaked.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lakes is at an average level for this time of year. Christie Lake levels are below average but stable due to recent rain events.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is at an above average level for this time of year. Outflows were increased from Wolfe Lake. Upper Rideau and Big Rideau are above the long-term average. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

  • April 19, 2024


    Rainfall over the month of April has resulted in total precipitation amounts ranging from 60-100 mm, with significantly higher amounts in the Cataraqui and Crow/Bobs watersheds. This has significantly increased water levels and flows across the Rideau Canal.


    An additional 10-15 mm of precipitation is expected during the next 5 days. For the most up-to-date watershed conditions, please check the website of your local conservation authority or the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

    Cataraqui River

    Lakes from Kingston Mills Lockstation to Newboro Lockstation are near full. Due to the recent rain events, levels are predicted to remain elevated.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake levels are above average, above full, are increasing and will continue to do so due to the recent significant rainfall and the forecasted rain. Christie Lake levels are continuing to increase as a result of elevated flows from Bobs Lake. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. Flows on the lower Tay River have peaked but are expected to remain elevated due to forecasted rain.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake and Upper Rideau Lakes are full, and Big Rideau is, on average, below full but expected to rise. Outflows from Big Rideau are being increased. Flows and levels are within the seasonal average and expected to fluctuate with forecasted rain and operational activities scheduled in preparation for the opening of the season.

  • April 12, 2024


    Rainfall over the last week of March combined with a significant rainfall event early this week have resulted in total precipitation amounts ranging from 50-80 mm over that time period which have increased water levels and flows across the Rideau Canal.


    An additional 20 mm of precipitation is expected during the next 5 days. Please check the website of your local conservation authority or the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for the most up-to-date watershed conditions.

    Cataraqui River

    Lakes from Kingston Mills Lockstation to Newboro Lockstation are near full. Levels are predicted to increase with the continued rainfall.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is near full and will see continued rising water levels, as will Christie Lake. Tay River flows will continue to increase due to the rain.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake and Upper Rideau Lakes are full, and Big Rideau is, on average, below full but expected to rise. Outflows from Big Rideau are being increased. Flows and levels are expected to increase down the Rideau River due to the rain.

  • April 9, 2024


    Last week, the passage of a Colorado Low resulted in a significant amount of precipitation amounting to 15-46 mm across all watersheds. The 5-day forecast suggests an estimated 30 mm of rainfall this week. Air temperatures are forecasted to rise this week where the daily high will be in the double digits.


    The current conditions indicate that water levels will increase due already saturated conditions across the watersheds. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    All lakes are above the average water levels for this time of year. The outflows are increasing.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake level is above the average due to earlier than normal snowmelt. Christie Lake levels are below average but increasing due to recent precipitation event and increased outflows from Bobs Lake.

    Rideau River

    Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are near average for this time of year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in anticipation for the increased flows generated by rain runoff. The flows on the River are below average and expected to increase.

  • March 8, 2024


    The 5-day forecast suggests significant amounts of precipitation, reaching 40 mm of rain.


    The recent early snowmelt accompanied by last weeks rain event amounted to an average of 10 mm of precipitation across the watersheds resulted in above average water levels at most locations. However, below normal snowpack amounts preceding these events resulted in below normal flow values. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    All lakes are above the average water levels for this time of year. The outflows are increasing.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake level is above the average and Christie Lake level is below average.

    Rideau River

    Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are above average for this time of year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in anticipation for the increased flows generated by rain runoff. The flows on the River are increasing.

  • March 4, 2024


    Since mid-February, low precipitation amounts and higher than normal air temperatures have resulted in lower than average snow pack accumulation for this time of the year. The 5-day forecast suggests near 10-15 mm of rainfall. Air temperatures are forecasted to rise this week where the daily high will be in the double digits; as the week progress evening lows will tend to stay above 0°C.


    Snowpack is presently below average. Water management operations to fill the reservoirs began in February. Outflows from the reservoirs have been reduced, taking into account the projected runoff from melting snow in the watershed and normal precipitation in the month of March. With the substantial reduction in the snowpack in the southern areas, most lakes are increasing at a slower rate.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    All lakes are above average water levels for this time of year and are slowly increasing. Cranberry and Colonel By Lakes water levels are on average for this time of the year.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake level is close to seasonal average and Christie Lake level is below average. Bobs Lake outflows are reduced.

    Rideau River

    Upper Rideau Lake is above average and Big Rideau Lake is near average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently at seasonal levels. Flows on the River are declining.

  • January 9, 2024


    The Weather Network is currently forecasting 45 to 60 mm of mixed snow and rain in the coming days across the Cataraqui River and Rideau River Watersheds. The bulk of this precipitation is anticipated to come Tuesday and Wednesday.


    The snow on the ground is variable across the Rideau Canal. In general, the amount of snow is below seasonal. The warmer weather, in combination with the forecasted rainfall, will likely generate snowmelt. Flows in the Rideau Canal are anticipated to rise significantly, and water levels are expected to increase in all lakes and river reaches.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average for this time of year and are declining.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are below average for this time of year. Flows on the Tay are below average.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is above average, and outflows have been maximized. Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are near average. Flows on the Rideau River are near average.

  • December 18, 2023


    The relatively dry fall conditions with total 3-month precipitation values varying 25 -70% below normal resulted in below-average flows and levels across most watersheds. The precipitation amounts received during the first two weeks of December were localized in nature, with total values close to seasonal averages.

    The Weather Network is currently forecasting 20-25 mm of mixed precipitation across the entire Rideau and Cataraqui watersheds. The bulk of this precipitation is anticipated to come in the next 36 hours.


    The small accumulations of snow on the ground were depleted across the Rideau and Cataraqui Watersheds as a result of the weekend weather with temperatures above zero degrees and 10-15 mm of rain. Flows in the Rideau Canal are anticipated to rise, and water levels are expected to increase in all lakes and river reaches

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    Most lake levels are above average for this time of year and increasing after the recent weather event. Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are below average for this time of year. Levels on Bobs Lake and Christie Lake are expected to increase. Flows on the Lower Tay River near Perth are below average and increasing.

    Rideau River

    Upper Rideau Lake is above average, and Big Rideau Lake levels are below average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hogs Back are currently at seasonal levels.

  • August 16, 2023


    Significant rainfall occurred over the past week and resulted in total precipitation over that time period of about 50-60 mm, which increased water levels and flows across some locations more than others. Some rainfall forecast is expected over the next five days with a potential accumulation of 30-50 mm and higher in the areas of localized thunderstorm activity.


    Due to the localized nature of the rain events, some areas have received up to 50% of the normal monthly precipitation in July and up to 150% of normal precipitation over the first two weeks of August. The impacts from the above-average amounts of precipitation received remain across the system. Flows and levels are above normal for this time of the year across all locations.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    All lakes are above the average for this time of the year however have peaked and appear to be declining.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels remain below average due to the localized nature of the rain events. Flows on the lower Tay River are close to the average and continue to decrease. The Rideau Water Management team will be closely monitoring the changing conditions in this area.

    Rideau River

    Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are above average and currently receding. Flows are above average for this time of the year but crested and are declining from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back.

  • June 19, 2023


    Rainfall amounts for May have been below normal, with similar trends being observed for June. The 10-day forecast suggests a transition to high temperatures, with less than 5 mm in the forecast.


    Despite the wetter-than-normal spring conditions, the sudden shift to the current hot and dry conditions resulted in a quick reduction of local inflows and enhanced the rates of evaporation. As the system quickly transitioned from a surplus state to summer like conditions, water management and operational activities were conducted to appropriately respond to the changes, which resulted in fluctuations across the system.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    All lake levels in the Cataraqui River system are near or above the average values.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lakes is below average level. Outflows from Bobs Lake are being managed to ensure the stable flow rate down the Tay River as well as to augment the rate of decline on Big Rideau Lake, which is below average.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is below average, and Upper Rideau Lake is above average due to recent localized rain events. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain within navigation range.

  • April 26, 2023


    The total amount of rain expected for the next five days is as high as 50 mm.


    Flows on the Upper Tay River appear to crest and are receding. The inflows are receding across the system, and as a result, water levels are decreasing.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    All lakes have peaked and appear to be declining. Forecasted rainfall will either level or cause the flows to increase again.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels have peaked and are declining. Inflows in this area appear to be declining. The Rideau Water Management team will be closely monitoring the changing conditions in this area. Flows on the lower Tay River continue to decrease. Significant rainfall will either level or cause the flows to increase again.

    Rideau River

    Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are currently receding. Flows are declining from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. Forecasted rainfall will either level or cause the flows to increase again.

  • April 7, 2023


    The five-day weather forecast predicts no significant precipitation, but air temperatures are expected to reach double digits and remain above zero overnight.


    With the onset of the snowmelt and the significant amount of rain received coupled with warm temperatures in the forecast, flows and water levels are expected to continue to increase at all locations as the impacts of the rain and melting snow work their way through the system. The remaining snowpack in the Upper Tay Watershed and the northern part of Rideau River will continue to melt, contributing to the increased runoff amounts.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    Lakes are increasing as a result of the significant rain event and are above average.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average for this time of year. Levels on Bobs Lake and Christie Lake are expected to increase as a result of precipitation and ongoing melt.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are above average and expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above seasonal levels due to the ongoing snowmelt, high amount of received rain and high flows and are expected to increase. Levels on the Long Reach are above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase and remain high.

  • April 4, 2023


    The 5-day forecast is predicting 35-48 mm of rain with air temperatures reaching double digits.


    In the short term, water levels and flows will increase as a result of the forecasted rain. The remaining snowpack in the Upper Tay Watershed and the northern part of Rideau River will contribute to the increased runoff amounts.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    Lakes are increasing due to the remaining snowmelt runoff and are expected to increase with the forecasted amount of rain.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are below average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to the rain and snowmelt. The levels on both lakes will continue to be closely monitored. Flows on the lower Tay River will likely increase.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above the seasonal levels. Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase as a result of runoff from forecasted rain and snowmelt.

  • March 30, 2023


    The five-day weather forecast is predicting up to 43 mm of precipitation.


    In the short term, water levels and flows will increase as a result of the forecasted amounts of rain. The remaining snowpack in the Upper Tay Watershed and the northern part of Rideau River will contribute to the increased runoff amounts.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    Lakes are increasing as a result of the ongoing melt and are expected to increase with the forecasted amount of rain.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are below average for this time of year. Levels on Bobs Lake and Christie Lake are expected to increase as a result of precipitation.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above seasonal levels due to the ongoing snowmelt and are expected to increase with the forecasted precipitation. Levels on the Long Reach are near full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase.

  • March 8, 2023


    The 5-day forecast suggests no significant precipitation. Air temperatures are expected to remain below 0°C across the entire Rideau and Cataraqui Watersheds.


    Flows remain elevated after the series of recent events. The fluctuations in levels vary and highly depend on the amount of snow remaining and any significant changes in temperature forecasts.

    The snowpack is present and is near average in the southern watersheds and above average north of Smith Falls Basin.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    Most lakes are above average water levels for this time of year and are receding.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is on average. The levels on both Bobs and Christie lakes will continue to be monitored. Tay River is near average and receding.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau are above average and receding. Rideau River is, on average and receding.

  • January 13, 2023


    The 5 day forecast suggests 25-30 mm of mixed precipitation, with most of the precipitation falling mainly on Thursday night into Friday morning. Air temperatures are expected to drop significantly on Friday afternoon below 0°C across the entire Rideau and Cataraqui Watersheds.


    Flows remain high after the series of recent events that amounted to 50- 100 mm of mixed precipitation and snowmelt across the watersheds. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to remain high at most locations. The fluctuations in levels vary and highly depend on the amount of snow remaining and any significant changes in temperature forecasts. The snowpack is present and is below average.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    Most lakes are above-average water levels for this time of year and are levelling off. Colonel By Lake water level is on average for this time of the year.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake will see continued rising water levels, as will Christie Lake. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored, and the balancing of the high water will continue. Tay River appears to have peaked. Flows and levels through Perth will continue to remain elevated.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau are above average but have peaked. Outflow from Big Rideau has been maximized. Rideau River has peaked and is receding.

Previous years

  • December 30, 2022


    The forecast for Friday and Saturday of this week suggests a low precipitation event of 25 to 35 mm combined with plus temperatures approaching 10 degrees. The warm-up period is estimated to be approximately 7 days in length. The warm spell is expected to be followed by more seasonal temperatures by January 5, 2023


    Precipitation and warm temperatures will result in snowmelt and runoff and thus impact the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will likely increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active, and the changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    Most lake levels are above average for this time of year and increasing after the recent weather event. Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are near average for this time of year. Levels on Bobs Lake and Christie Lake are expected to increase. Flows on the Lower Tay River near Perth are below average and increasing.

    Rideau River

    Upper Rideau Lake is above average, and Big Rideau Lakes levels are below average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average, and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hogs Back are currently at seasonal levels.

  • July 8, 2022


    The 14-day forecast suggests continued high temperatures with little to no rainfall in the first six days and some potential rainfall in the seven to 14-day range.


    Flows on the Upper Tay River are receding. The inflows are receding across the system and as a result water levels are declining.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average for this time of year and are levelling off. Based on the current forecast, the boat draft on the Cataraqui Lakes will remain in range.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lakes and Christie Lake are below average level for this time of year.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake and Upper Rideau Lake are near the average level for this time of year. Big Rideau is near long term average. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

  • June 10, 2022


    Rainfall amounts for May and June have been above normal. The 5-day forecast suggests continued average daytime temperatures with 15-25 mm of rain.


    Flows on the Upper Tay River are above average and increasing. The inflows have increased across the system as a result of rain, and as a result, water levels are increasing and slightly above average.

    The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

    Cataraqui River

    The above-normal rain amounts are resulting in continued water level increase on the Cataraqui Lakes. All lakes are above average and increasing.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lakes is slightly above average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake will be increased this week which will bring up the water level on Christie Lake and increase the flow rate down the Tay River.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is above average level for this time of year. Outflows will be increased from Wolfe Lake. Upper Rideau and Big Rideau are above long-term average. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

  • May 20, 2022


    The 14-day forecast suggests a high-temperature trend will remain in the system. There is 12-23 mm of rainfall forecasted for the next 5 days. Most of the rainfall forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and could be highly variable from one location to another.


    The watersheds of the Rideau Canal experienced earlier than normal freshet, which in combination with warmer air temperatures, has resulted in the loss of most of the winter snowpack by late March and the recession of runoff by early April. Given the near normal amount of spring 2022 precipitation and the recent significant rainfall, the flows and levels across the system are elevated. Current forecast suggest the current lake levels to remain near full levels during the month of May, achieving seasonal averages heading into summer. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring for changing conditions. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The recent rainfall has resulted in above average water levels on the Cataraqui Lakes. Assuming seasonal average precipitation going forward, he lake levels are expected to recede to seasonal averages.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake water levels are above average this time of year but receding. Outflows from Bobs Lake have been increased in response to recent rain events. Water levels on Christie Lake are expected to rise to seasonal averages, assuming seasonal average precipitation. Tay River flows are below average for this time of the year and increasing.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau lakes have water levels that are above average for this time of year. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in standard navigable range. Rideau River flows are above average and public bulletins were issued this week.

  • March 18, 2022


    The weather forecast for next 5 days is predicting a moderate mixed precipitation event of 15-25 mm combined with plus temperatures approaching 10 degrees and above zero at night.


    Rainfall and warm temperatures have, for the most part, primed the snow to be ready to run off. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will likely increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    Most lake levels are near average for this time of year and slightly increasing due to the ongoing melt. Water levels are anticipated to significantly increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are near average for this time of year. Levels on Bobs Lake and Christie Lake are expected to increase due to the melt resulting from forecasted rain and warm temperatures.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes levels are above average for this time of the year. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hogs Back are currently at seasonal levels and are expected to rise as a result of melt inflows. The flows in Rideau River are near average and expected to increase due to the amounts of precipitation in the forecast combined with ongoing melt.

  • December 20, 2021


    The weather forecast for early next week is changing significantly from day to day. A 20 to 30 mm of mixed precipitation event is forecasted across next 5 days.


    Precipitation amounts for September to December 2021 have contributed to 100-125 % more precipitation relative to normal. Rainfall and warm temperatures earlier in the month have generated active snow melt which, in combination with the above normal precipitation amounts, resulted in raising the flows and water levels across the watersheds. With currently forecasted air temperatures below zero, water levels and outflows are expected to crest and slowly recede at all locations. However, there is a measure of uncertainty associated with this. Depending on the exact amounts of precipitation over the next 5 days, whether it falls as rain or snow and whether air temperature is above or below zero, local snow melt and snow melt runoff may occur, impacting the watershed response. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are significantly above average for this time of year and are declining.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake levels are above normal for this time of year and have peaked due to the recent cold temperatures. Christie Lake level is above average due to high flows from Bobs Lake but is expected to crest with balanced flow recessions from Bobs Lake. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. Flows on the lower Tay River are above average, will likely level and then begin to recede.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is above average and outflows have been maximized. Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are above average. Flows on the Rideau River are above average.

  • September 23, 2021


    The 2 day weather forecast is predicting up to 30 mm of precipitation. Most of the rainfall which includes the recorded and forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and varies highly from one location to another.


    The ongoing hot and dry conditions for the extended period of time have resulted in lower than normal local inflows and enhanced the rates of evaporation. Persistent dryness especially in the areas that missed out on the localized precipitation continues and the overall system remains in below normal summer conditions. Water management and operational activities are conducted to appropriately respond to the changes.

    The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average but are increasing as a result of the current rain event. All draft reductions are posted via Notice to Shipping as well as on the water management page.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is below average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake are increased to compensate for the water level declines associated with enhanced evaporation rates and persistent dry conditions in river reaches and lakes downstream including the Tay River and Big Rideau Lake.

    Rideau River

    Water levels for Wolfe Lake are above average, Upper Rideau Lake level is on average and Big Rideau Lake is below average level for this time of the year. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

  • June 2 2021


    Rainfall amounts for March-May have contributed to 25-55 % less precipitation compared to the long term mean during spring season. The month of May contributed to values that are less than 25-75 mm than the long term mean. The 10 day forecast suggests a transition to high temperatures approaching 30C. There is a potential for 20 mm of rain in this week precipitation forecast. Most of the rainfall forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and could be highly variable from one location to another.


    The spring of 2021 presented a unique set of challenges for the water management program of the Canal. The early melt and exceedingly dry conditions resulted in the minimal flows experienced since early April until present across the system and the low levels. Every effort is made to ensure that water management decisions are carefully considered, acknowledging Parks Canada’s responsibility to balance the needs of all users in the system.

    The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The lack of rainfall and high temperatures is resulting in continued water level declines on the Cataraqui Lakes. Based on the current forecast, the boat draft on the Cataraqui Lakes will decrease. Forecasted draft.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is below average level for this time of year and water levels are receding. Outflows from Bobs Lake are below average resulting in lower than average water levels on Christie Lake. Flows on the Upper Tay River have been significantly below average and approaching their minimal seasonal flows.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake and Upper Rideau Lake levels are near average level for this time of year. Big Rideau is near long term average. The outflows from Big Rideau Lake are minimal. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range. Flows on the Rideau River have been significantly below average and approaching their minimal seasonal flows.

  • April 4, 2021


    The 7 day forecast is indicating temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius and a moderate precipitation amount of approximately 20 mm.


    The total precipitation for this past winter was 25 % less than normal values followed by 25-50% less than normal amounts of precipitation in March. The Rideau Canal watersheds of the reservoirs experienced an earlier than normal freshet, which in combination with sustained warmer air temperatures has resulted in the loss of winter snowpack during late March and earlier than normal melt runoff recession. Presuming a normal amount of precipitation throughout the month of April, the public can expect the current lake levels to gradually rise during the month of May, achieving seasonal averages heading into summer. Currently, flows are well below to average and receding across the Rideau Canal Watershed.

    The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average for this time of year and are levelling off.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is below average level for this time of the year. The public can expect the current lake levels to gradually rise during the months of April and May achieving seasonal averages heading into summer. Christie Lake is below average. Flows on the Tay are below average, have peaked and expected to recede with warmer temperatures.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is below average. Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lake levels are below average and levelling off. Flows on the Rideau River are below average and expected to recede.

Date: 2020
  • July 15, 2020


    Rainfall amounts for May and June have been 25-50% below normal. The 14 day forecast suggests a high temperature trend will remain in the system. There is 25-29 mm of rainfall forecasted for this week. Most of the rainfall forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and could be highly variable from one location to another.

    Cataraqui River

    The lack of rainfall and high temperatures has resulted in low water levels on the Cataraqui Lakes. Forecasted draft can be found here: If the additional rainfall forecasted is received it is possible that levels may increase back up to 5' draft levels.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is below average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake are being increased this week to manage the flows and levels across the watershed. Water levels on Christie Lake are expected to level off yet are subject to the losses from evaporation and the rainfall received. Tay River flows are below average for this time of the year.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau have water levels that are below average. Flows from Big Rideau Lake are at minimum. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

  • June 30, 2020


    Rainfall amounts for May and June have been 25-50% below normal. The 14 day forecast suggests a transition to high temperatures. There is 0 mm of rainfall forecasted for this week and 5 mm forecasted for the following week. Most of the rainfall forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and could be highly variable from one location to another.

    Cataraqui River

    The lack of rainfall and high temperatures has resulted in low water levels on the Cataraqui Lakes. Forecasted draft can be found here: If the additional rainfall forecasted is received it is possible that levels may increase back up to 5' draft levels.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is below average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake were decreased last week to try and hold back as much of the rainfall as possible. Water levels on Christie Lake will continue to decline until additional flow is sent out of Bobs Lake.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau have water levels that are below average. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

  • May 5, 2020


    The 7 day forecast is indicating temperatures above zero degrees Celsius and a low precipitation amount of approximately 5 mm.


    Over the last week the Rideau River watersheds received a total of approximately 25 to 40 mm of rain. The Cataraqui watershed received a total of approximately 45 to 85 mm of rain. This weather resulted in high inflows which have increased water levels on lakes and river reaches. The weather forecast suggests that elevated flows and levels should recede.

    The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average for this time of year and are levelling off.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is below average level for this time of the year. The public can expect the current lake levels to gradually rise during the month of May achieving seasonal averages heading into summer. Christie Lake is on average. Flows on the Tay are on average, have peaked and expected to recede with warmer temperatures and low precipitation.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is below average. Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lake levels are close to average and levelling off. Flows on the Rideau River are below average and expected to recede.

  • April 17, 2020


    The 7 day forecast is indicating temperatures close to zero degrees Celsius overnight and mixed precipitation amount of approximately 10 mm.


    The watersheds of reservoirs lakes experienced earlier than normal freshet which in combination with warmer air temperatures has resulted in the loss of the most winter snowpack. Currently flows have peaked and receding across the Rideau and Catarqui watersheds. The weather forecast suggests that flows and levels should remain steady.

    The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River watersheds have recently received close 50 mm of rain and as a result the lake levels are above average for this time of year and are levelling off.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is below average level. Christie Lake is below average. Flows on the Tay are below average and receding.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake and Upper Rideau lakes are below average. Big Rideau Lake levels are close to average. Flows on the Rideau River are below average.

  • March 23, 2020


    The 7 day forecast is indicating temperatures close to zero degrees Celsius and mixed precipitation amount of approximately 10 mm.


    The watersheds experienced an onset of warm temperatures recently and precipitation received over the last week, totalled approximately 10 to 25 mm of rain. This weather resulted in high inflows which have increased water levels on lakes and river reaches. The weather forecast suggests that elevated flows and levels should remain steady. The snow on the ground is variable across the Rideau Canal. In general, the amount of snow increases as you move North from Lake Ontario. No snow remains in the Cataraqui Watershed while snow amounts in the Rideau Watershed range from low to moderate. The warmer weather in combination with the forecasted rainfall will likely remove all the snow. Flows in the Rideau Canal are anticipated to remain above average and water levels are expected to increase in all lakes and river reaches.

    The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average for this time of year and are levelling off.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is above average level and levelling off. Christie Lake is above average. Flows on the Tay are above average.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is above average and outflows have been maximised. Upper Rideau is close to its seasonal average and Big Rideau Lake levels are above average and levelling off. Flows on the Rideau River are above average.

  • January 10, 2020


    The Weather Network is currently forecasting 50 to 75 mm of rainfall across the Cataraqui River and Rideau River Watersheds. The bulk of this rainfall is anticipated to come Saturday.


    The snow on the ground is variable across the Rideau Canal. In general, the amount of snow increases as you move North from Lake Ontario. Snow amounts in the Cataraqui Watershed are low while snow amounts in the Rideau Watershed range from low to moderate. The warmer weather in combination with the forecasted rainfall will likely remove all the snow. Flows in the Rideau Canal are anticipated to rise significantly and water levels are expected to increase in all lakes and river reaches.

    The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average for this time of year and are declining.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is below average level for this time of year. Christie Lake is near average. Flows on the Tay are about average.

    Rideau River

    Wolfe Lake is above average and outflows have been maximised. Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are near average. Flows on the Rideau River are near average.

Date: 2019
  • August 20, 2019


    Rainfall amounts for July have been at least 50-75 % below normal and spatially localized with the similar trends being observed for August. The 5 day forecast suggests that the above average temperatures will taper off near the end of the week and a small amount (5-10 mm) of precipitation is forecasted. Most of the rainfall which includes the recorded and forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and varies highly from one location to another.


    The ongoing hot and dry conditions for the extended period of time have  resulted in lower than normal local inflows and enhanced the rates of evaporation. Persistent dryness especially in the areas that missed out on the localized precipitation continues and the overall system remains in below normal summer conditions.  Water management and operational activities are conducted to appropriately respond to the changes.

    The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

    Cataraqui River

    The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average but are declining due to the continued hot weather and lack of rainfall. All draft reductions will be posted via Notice to Shipping as well as on the water management webpage.

    Tay River

    Bobs Lake is near average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake are increased to compensate for the water level declines associated with enhanced evaporation rates and persistent dry conditions in river reaches and lakes downstream including the Tay River and Big Rideau Lake.

    Rideau River

    Water levels for  Wolfe Lake are above average, Upper Rideau Lake level is on average and Big Rideau Lake is near average level for this time of the year. Outflows from Wolfe Lake have been increased to slow the rate of decline on Upper Rideau Lake. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

    • August 13, 2019


      Rainfall amounts for July have been at least 50-75 % below normal and spatially localized with the similar trends being observed for August. The 5 day forecast suggests that above average temperatures will remain combined with minimal amounts of precipitation. Most of the rainfall which includes the recorded and forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and varies highly from one location to another.


      The ongoing hot and dry conditions for the extended period of time have resulted in lower than normal local inflows and enhanced the rates of evaporation. Persistent dryness continues especially in the areas that missed out on the localized precipitation and the overall system remains in below normal summer conditions. Water management and operational activities are conducted to appropriately respond to the changes.

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average but are declining due to the continued hot weather and lack of rainfall. If current weather conditions persist it will result in a gradual draft reduction on the Cataraqui Lakes. All draft reductions will be posted via Notice to Shipping as well as on the water management webpage.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake is near average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake have been increased to compensate for the water level declines associated with enhanced evaporation rates and persistent dry conditions in river reaches and lakes downstream including the Tay River and Big Rideau Lake.

      Rideau River

      Water levels for Wolfe Lake are above average, Upper Rideau Lake level is on average and Big Rideau Lake is near average level for this time of the year. Increased outflows from Wolfe Lake are anticipated to reduce the rate of decline on Upper Rideau Lake. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

    • August 6, 2019


      Rainfall amounts for July have been at least 75 % below normal and spatially localized with the similar trends being observed for August. The 5 day forecast suggests that above average temperatures will remain. There is about 10-15 mm of rainfall forecasted for this week. Most of the rainfall forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and could be highly variable from one location to another.


      The ongoing hot and dry conditions for the extended period of time have resulted in lower than normal local inflows and enhanced the rates of evaporation and the system transitioned from a summer like conditions to deficit state. Water management and operational activities are conducted to appropriately respond to the changes and may result in water level and fluctuations across the system.

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      The Cataraqui River lake levels are near average but are declining due to the continued hot weather and lack of rainfall. If current weather conditions persist it will result in a gradual draft reduction on the Cataraqui Lakes. All draft reductions will be posted via Notice to Shipping as well as on the water management webpage.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake is near average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake are lower than normal resulting in below average water levels in Christie Lake and low flow rate down the Tay River. If the dry weather persists outflow from Bobs Lake will be increased and the water level rate of decline will increase.

      Rideau River

      Water levels for Wolfe Lake are above average, Upper Rideau Lake level is slightly below average and Big Rideau Lake is near average level for this time of the year. Increased outflows from Wolfe Lake are anticipated to reduce the rate of decline on Upper Rideau Lake. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

    • July 19, 2019


      Rainfall amounts for June have been below normal and spatially localized with the similar trends being observed for July. The 5 day forecast suggests that above average temperatures will remain. There is about 10-20 mm of rainfall forecasted for this week. Most of the rainfall forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and could be highly variable from one location to another.


      Despite the wetter than normal spring conditions the sudden shift to the current hot and dry conditions resulted in a quick reduction of local inflows and enhanced the rates of evaporation. As the system quickly transitioned from a surplus state to summer like conditions water management and operational activities were conducted to appropriately respond to the changes and resulted in water level and fluctuations across the system.

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      All lake levels in Cararaqui River system are near or above the average values for this time of the year.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lakes is above average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake are being increased which may bring up the water level on Christie Lake and increase the flow rate down the Tay River.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are above average for this time of the year due to recent localized rain events. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.

    • May 9, 2019


      The five day weather forecast is predicting  a strong, low system which may result in total of 50 mm of rain and heavier amounts in localized areas that are impacted by thunderstorms.      


      In the short term, water levels and flows are presently receding. However the heavy amount of rain expected in the short-term forecast is a concern. 

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels have stabilized and are near the average for this time of the year. 

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels remain above full, but have stabilized and are declining. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. Tay River has peaked and is receding.  

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake levels are above average and declining.  Upper Rideau Lake levels and Big Rideau Lake levels are near average values for this time of the year and are declining. All river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are at, or near, seasonal levels.  Levels on the Long Reach are now below full and flows in Rideau River have stabilized but remain above average for this time of the year. 

    • May 4, 2019


      The five day weather forecast is predicting  a relatively dry period with less than 5 mm of rain.   


      In the short term, water levels and flows are now receding. 

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels have stabilized and are near the average for this time of the year. Water levels in Colonel By Lake remain high but are receding. 

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels remain above full, have stabilized and are declining. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. The Tay River has peaked and is receding. 

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are all near the average values for this time of the year. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are at or near seasonal levels.  Levels on the Long Reach are now below full and flows in Rideau River have stabilized but remain above average for this time of the year. 

    • April 30, 2019


      The five day weather forecast is predicting up to 45 mm of precipitation. 


      In the short term, water levels and flows are now receding. 

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels have stabilized but are expected to increase with the forecasted amounts of rain.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels remain above full, have stabilized but expected to increase with the forecasted rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. Tay River has peaked and declining but  expected to level off with incoming rain. 

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are declining. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are at or near seasonal levels.  Levels on the Long Reach are now below full and flows in Rideau River are declining but these trends areas expected to level off with incoming rain. 

    • April 25, 2019


      The five day weather forecast is predicting up to 30 mm of precipitation


      In the short term, water levels and flows have remained high as a result of the received amounts of rain. Saturated soil conditions in the Upper Tay Watershed and northern part of Rideau River, as a result of the recent significant rain event, will continue to contribute to increased runoff amounts.

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels have increased are expected to increase with the high inflows from the forcasted amounts of rain.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average, above full, are increasing and will continue to do so due to the recent significant rainfall and the forecasted rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. High flows on the lower Tay River will be sustained.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above seasonal levels due to the recent rain event and are expected to increase with the forecasted precipitation.  Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The high flows in the Rideau River are expected to be sustained.

    • April 21, 2019


      The five day weather forecast is predicting up to 15 mm of precipitation.  


      In the short term, water levels and flows have increased as a result of the received amounts of rain. Saturated soil conditions in the Upper Tay Watershed and northern part of Rideau River, as a result of the recent significant rain event, will continue to contribute to increased runoff amounts. 

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels have increased are expected to continue to increase with the high inflows from the received amounts of rain.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average, above full, are increasing and will continue to do so due to the recent significant rainfall and the forecasted rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. Flows on the lower Tay River will increase.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above seasonal levels due to the recent rain event and are expected to increase with the forecasted precipitation.  Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase.

    • April 19, 2019


      The five day weather forecast is predicting up to 58 mm of precipitation. 


      In the short term, water levels and flows will increase as a result of the forecasted amounts of rain. Saturated soil conditions in the Upper Tay Watershed and northern part of Rideau River, as a result of the recent significant rain event, will continue to contribute to increased runoff amounts. 

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels are declining but are expected to increase with the forecasted amount of rain.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average, above full, are increasing and will continue to do so due to the recent significant rainfall and the forecasted rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. Flows on the lower Tay River will increase.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above seasonal levels due to the recent rain event and are expected to increase with the forecasted precipitation.  Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase.

    • April 18, 2019


      The five day forecast is calling for 50 mm of precipitation.


      In the short term, water levels and flows will increase as a result of the forecasted amounts of rain. Saturated soil conditions in the Upper Tay Watershed and northern part of Rideau River as a result of the recent significant rain event will continue to contribute to the increased runoff amounts. 

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels are declining but are expected to increase with the forecasted amount of rain.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average, above full, are increasing and will continue to do so due to the recent significant rainfall and the forecasted rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored for flooding impacts. Operations are conducted to reduce outflows from Bobs Lake due to the anticipated increase in the inflows from the high amounts of precipitation in the downstream areas. Flows on the lower Tay River will increase.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above seasonal levels due to the recent rain event and are expected to increase with the forecasted precipitation.  Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase.

    • April 17, 2019


      The five day forecast is calling for 50 mm of precipitation.


      In the short term, water levels and flows will increase as a result of the forecasted amounts of rain. Saturated watersheds in the Upper Tay Watershed and northern part of Rideau River will contribute to the increased runoff amounts.  

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels are declining but are expected to increase with the forecasted amount of rain.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average, above full, are increasing and will continue to do so due to the recent significant rainfall and the forecasted rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and the balancing of the high water will continue. Operations are conducted to increase outflows from Bobs Lake due to the high inflows from the recent rain event.  Flows on the lower Tay River will increase.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake , Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above seasonal levels due to the recent rain event and are expected to increase with the forecasted precipitation.  Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase.

    • April 16, 2019


      The five day forecast is calling for 34-40 mm. of precipitation.


      In the short term, water levels and flows will increase as a result of the forecasted amounts of rain. The remaining snowpack in the Upper Tay Watershed and northern part of Rideau River will contribute to the increased runoff amounts.  

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lake levels are increasing due to the recent rain event and are expected to increase with the forecasted amount of rain.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average, above full, are increasing and will continue to do so due to the recent significant rainfall and the forecasted rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and the balancing of the high water will continue. Operations are conducted to increase outflows from Bobs Lake due to the high inflows from the recent rain event.  Flows on the lower Tay River will increase.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake , Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are above seasonal levels due to the recent rain event and are expected to increase with the forecasted precipitation.  Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase.

    • April 14, 2019


      The five day forecast suggests 63-73 mm with 50 percent of this amount expected within the next 24 hours. 


      In the short term water levels and flows will increase as a result of the forecasted amounts of rain. The remaining snowpack in the Upper Tay Watershed and northern part of Rideau River will contribute to the increased runoff amounts. 

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lakes are declining but expected to increase with the forecasted amount of rain..

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to the rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and the balancing of the high water will continue. Operations are conducted to reduce outflows from Bobs Lake.  Flows on the lower Tay River will increase.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake , Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are at the seasonal levels. Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to increase.

    • April 11, 2019


      The 5 day forecast suggests about 45 mm precipitation and continued temperatures above 0°C.


      In the short term water levels and flows will increase as a result of the forecasted rain. The remaining snowpack in the Upper Tay Watershed and northern part of Rideau River will contribute to the increased runoff amounts.

      The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lakes are declining but expected to increase with the forecasted amount of rain.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to the rain. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and the balancing of the high water will continue. Flows on the lower Tay River will likely increase.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake , Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are expected to increase. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Burritts Rapids are at the seasonal levels. Levels on the Long Reach remain above full and are expected to increase. The flows in the Rideau River are expected to still undergo significant fluctuations. 

    • April 9, 2019


      The 5 day forecast suggests about 10 mm precipitation and continued temperatures above 0°C.


      In the short term water levels and flows are likely to stabilize or slightly increase. If the rainfall amounts stay close to forecast there should be a general decline in stream flows. The exception to above will be the Upper Tay Watershed. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Lakes are anticipated to begin levelling or decrease in level. 

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to the rain earlier in the week. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and the balancing of the high water will commence. Flows on the lower Tay River will likely level and then begin to recede.

      Rideau River

      Wolfe Lake and Upper Rideau Lake continue to increase while Big Rideau Lake appears to have peaked. All the river reaches from Smith Falls to Merrickville are at the seasonal level. Levels on the Long Reach remain above full are increasing slowly due to the recent precipitation. Levels in the Hogs Back Reach will continue to increase today. Water levels and flows in the Rideau River can be expected to still undergo significant fluctuations. 

    • March 31, 2019


      The total amounts of mixed precipitation recorded across the watersheds for the past 36 hours were 30-44 mm. The weather forecast for next 5 days is predicting mixed precipitation amounts close to 5 -10 mm with warmer air temperatures early next week.


      Heavy rainfall preceded with warm temperatures have, for the most part, resulted in snowmelt and runoff across most of the watersheds, or have primed the snowpack in the remainder. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Most lake levels are below average for this time of year and increasing due to the ongoing melt and received precipitation.  Water levels are anticipated to continue to increase as a result of the rainfall runoff

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are below average for this time of year.  Levels on Bobs Lake and Christie Lake are increasing due to the received precipitation.   

      Rideau River

      Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes levels are below average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average. The river reaches between Kilmarnock and Hogs Back are above seasonal levels. The water levels in Long Reach are high and increasing. The flows in Rideau River are above average and are increasing due to the amounts of received precipitation combined with ongoing melt. 

    • March 30, 2019


      The weather forecast for next 5 days is predicting a heavy mixed precipitation event of 35-45 mm of snow and rain most of it expected to fall during the next 36 hours.


      Rainfall and warm temperatures have, for the most part, primed the snow to be ready to run off and also resulted in the ongoing snowmelt in the southern watershed and localized melt in the northern watershed.  The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.    Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Most lake levels are below average for this time of year and increasing due to the ongoing melt.  Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt.  

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are below average for this time of year.  Levels on Bobs Lake and Christie Lake are slightly increasing due to the localized melt.   

      Rideau River

      Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes levels are below average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are on average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Merrickville are currently at seasonal levels. The river reaches below Burritts Rapids,  Long Reach and Hogs Back are above average. The water levels in Long Reach are elevated and increasing .The flows in Rideau River are above average and expected to increase due to the heavier amounts of precipitation in the forecast combined with ongoing melt. 

    • March 28, 2019


      The weather forecast for next 5 days is predicting a moderate mixed precipitation event of 15-25 mm with heavier amounts expected further south combined with plus temperatures approaching 10 degrees and above zero at night.  


      Rainfall and warm temperatures have, for the most part, primed the snow to be ready to run off and also resulted in the ongoing snowmelt in the southern watershed and localized melt in the northern watershed.  The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will likely increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.   Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Most lake levels are below average for this time of year and slightly increasing due to the ongoing melt.  Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt. 

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are below average for this time of year.  Levels on Bobs Lake and Christie Lake are slightly increasing due to the localized melt.   

      Rideau River

      Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes levels are below average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are on above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hogs Back are currently at seasonal levels. The flows in Rideau River are above average and expected to increase due to the heavier amounts of precipitation in the forecast combined with ongoing melt. 

    • March 22, 2019


      The weather forecast for Thursday and Friday of this week is predicting a mixed precipitation event of 20 to 25 mm combined with plus temperatures approaching 10 degrees and above zero at night. The warm up and cool down period is estimated to be approximately 48 hours in length. The brief warm spell is followed by more seasonal temperatures.


      Precipitation and warm temperatures will result in snowmelt and runoff and thus impact the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will likely increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Most lake levels are below average for this time of year and stabilising after the recent weather. Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt.

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are below average for this time of year. Levels on Bobs Lake are levelling off and water levels on Christie Lake are declining and should begin to level off in the next few days.

      Rideau River

      Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes levels are below average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are slightly above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hogs Back are currently at seasonal levels.

    • March 12, 2019


      The forecast for Thursday and Friday of this week suggests a precipitation event of 14 to 26 mm combined with plus temperatures approaching 10 degrees and above zero at night. The warm up and cool down period is estimated to be approximately 48 hours in length. The brief warm spell is followed by more seasonal temperatures.


      Precipitation and warm temperatures will result in snowmelt and runoff and thus impact the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will likely increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Most lake levels are below average for this time of year and stabilising after the recent weather. Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt.

      Tay River

      Most lake levels are below average for this time of year and stabilising after the recent weather. Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt.

      Rideau River

      Most lake levels are below average for this time of year and stabilising after the recent weather. Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt.

    • February 7, 2019


      The weather forecast for Thursday and Friday of this week suggests a low precipitation event of 5 to 10 mm combined with plus temperatures approaching 10 degrees.  The warm up and cool down period is estimated to be approximately 12 hours in length.  The brief warm spell is followed by more seasonal temperatures.   


      Precipitation and warm temperatures will result in snowmelt and runoff and thus impact the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will likely increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.   Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

      Cataraqui River

      Most lake levels are about average for this time of year and stabilising after the recent weather.  Water levels are anticipated to increase as a result of the rainfall and snow melt.  

      Tay River

      Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average for this time of year.   Levels on Bobs Lake are decreasing and water levels on Christie Lake are increasing and should begin to level off in the next few days.  Flows on the Lower Tay River near Perth are about average.  

      Rideau River

      Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes levels are about average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hogs Back are currently at seasonal levels. 

December 19, 2018


The weather forecast for Thursday and Friday is calling for about 50 mm of rainfall. 


Precipitation and warm temperatures will result in snowmelt and runoff and thus impact the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at all locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored.  Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

Cataraqui River

Most lakes levels are about average for this time of year. Recent snow surveys suggest very little snow in the watershed.

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are about average for this time of year. Flows on the Tay River are about average. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes levels are about average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hogs Back are currently at seasonal levels. 

November 20, 2018


The weather forecast for early next week is changing significantly from day to day. A 30 mm precipitation event is forecasted across Saturday and Sunday with day time temperatures reaching double digits and remaining above 0°C  at night. 


Precipitation and warm temperatures will result in snowmelt and runoff and thus impact the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority

Cataraqui River

Most lakes levels are below average for this time of year. Colonel By Lake level is above average and declining.

Tay River

Bobs Lake level is below average for this time of year. Christie Lake level is slightly above average. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes levels are above average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hoggs Back are currently at seasonal levels. 

September 6, 2018


The current two week forecast is calling for approximately 15 mm of rainfall. 

A Level 1 low water condition continues to be in effect for the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and the Cataraqui Conservation Authority.


The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

The Cataraqui Lakes remain below average and without persistent rainfall will likely have continued water level declines. Forecasted draft

Tay River

Bobs Lakes is below average for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake flows may be increased this week. Any increase in flow rates will increase water levels on Christie Lake and increase the flow rate down the Tay River.  

Rideau River

Wolfe Lake is near average level for this time of year. Outflows from Wolfe Lake may be increased this week or next week to reduce the rate of decline on Upper Rideau Lake which is below average for this time of year. Big Rideau is below long term average. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range.  

July 9, 2018


Rainfall amounts for May and June have been below normal. The 14 day forecast suggests continued high temperatures with little to no rainfall in the first six days and some potential rainfall in the 7 to fourteen day range. 


Flows on the Upper Tay River are receding. The inflows are receding across the system and as a result water levels are declining. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

The lack of rainfall and high temperatures is resulting in continued water level declines on the Cataraqui Lakes. Based on the current forecast, the boat draft on the Cataraqui Lakes will decrease.  Forecasted draft

Tay River

Bobs Lakes is near average level for this time of year. Outflows from Bobs Lake will be increased this week which will bring up the water level on Christie Lake and increase the flow rate down the Tay River. 

Rideau River

Wolfe Lake is near average level for this time of year. Outflows will be increased from Wolfe Lake in order to reduce the rate of decline on Upper Rideau Lake which is below average for this time of year. Big Rideau is near long term average. Levels in the river from Smiths Falls to Ottawa all remain in navigation range. 

May 10, 2018


The weather forecast indicates no rain for the next 5 days. 


Flows on the Upper Tay River are receding. The inflows are receding across the system and as a result water levels are declining. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Most lakes are slightly close to average, levelling off and /or declining.  

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are declining. Inflows in this area are receding. The Rideau Water Management team will be closely monitoring the changing conditions in this area. Flows on the lower Tay River continue to decrease.

Rideau River

Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are declining. Flows are declining from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. 

May 7, 2018


The total amount of rain expected for the next 5 days is around 5 mm. 


Flows on the Upper Tay River have crested and started to recede. The inflows are receding across the system and as a result water levels are beginning to decrease.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Most lakes are above average and declining. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels appear to have peaked and beginning to decline. Inflows in this area appear to be declining. The Rideau Water Management team will be closely monitoring the changing conditions in this area. Flows on the lower Tay River continue to decrease. 

Rideau River

Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are currently receding. Flows are declining from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back.

May 6, 2018


The total amount of rain expected for the next 5 days is around 10 mm.


Flows on the Upper Tay River appear to crest and likely will recede. The inflows are receding across the system and as a result water levels are beginning to decrease.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes have peaked and appear to be declining. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels appear to have peaked and beginning to decline. Inflows in this area appear to be declining. The Rideau Water Management team will be closely monitoring the changing conditions in this area. Flows on the lower Tay River continue to decrease.

Rideau River

Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are currently receding. Flows are declining from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. 

May 5, 2018


Yesterday’s rainfall event yielded approximately 2 mm. The total amount of rain expected for the next 5 days is less than 5 mm.  


Flows on the Upper Tay River appear to be levelling off. The inflows are cresting and/or receding across the system and as a result water levels are beginning to decrease.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes have peaked and appear to be declining.

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels appear to have peaked and remain stable. Inflows in this area appear to be cresting or declining. The Rideau Water Management team will be closely monitoring the changing conditions in this area. Flows on the lower Tay River continue to decrease.

Rideau River

Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are currently receding or levelling off. Flows are declining from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. 

May 4, 2018


Yesterday’s rainfall event yielded approximately 5 mm. Today's forecast suggests rainfall amounts ranging from 5 to 20 mm with a potential for thunderstorms.  


Flows on the Upper Tay River appear to be levelling off and subject to change depending on the received rainfall.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes have peaked and appear to be declining. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake appears to have peaked and operations are conducted to reduce outflows with a goal of having Christie Lake crest. Inflows in this area appear to be cresting or declining and remain very sensitive to any rainfall. Flows on the lower Tay River continue to decrease.

Rideau River

Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are currently receding or levelling off. Flows are likely to decline from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. 

May 3, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests precipitation of 15 mm.  


Lake levels will respond to the rain and flows in the Rideau River and Tay River are expected to increase. Levels are expected to increase in the Upper Tay Watershed.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Lake levels and flows are declining and may level off or increase with forecasted rain. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and overfull. Bob Lake levels are levelling off. Christie Lake levels are increasing. The lake levels are expected to increase depending on the forecasted rain amounts. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has issued a Flood Warning for this area. Flows on the lower Tay River will likely increase. 

Rideau River

All lake levels are leveling off and flows along the Rideau River are expected to be sustained from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. Levels on the Long Reach are declining and outflows are maximized. Water levels in the Rideau River reaches can be expected to still undergo significant fluctuations. 

May 2, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests precipitation of 25 mm with most of the rainfall coming mid week.   


Lake levels will respond to the rain and flows in the Rideau River and Tay River are expected to increase. Levels are expected to increase in the Upper Tay Watershed. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Lake levels and flows are declining and may level off or increase with forecasted rain.

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average, overfull and increasing.  The lake levels are expected to increase depending on the forecasted rain amounts. Outflows from Bob Lake will be increased today in order to maximise the storage available for the upcoming rain.  The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has issued a Flood Warning for this area.  Flows on the lower Tay River will likely increase. 

Rideau River

All lake levels are leveling off and flows along the Rideau River are expected to be sustained from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. Levels on the Long Reach are declining and outflows are maximized.  Water levels in the Rideau River reaches can be expected to still undergo significant fluctuations. 

May 1, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests precipitation of 30 mm with most of the rainfall coming mid week. 


Lake levels will respond to the rain and flows in the Rideau River and Tay River are expected to increase. Levels are expected to increase in the Upper Tay Watershed. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Lake levels and flows are sustained and will increase with forecasted rain.

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average, overfull and increasing. The lake levels are expected to increase depending on the forecasted rain amounts. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has issued a Flood Warning for this area. Flows on the lower Tay River have picked up due to the rainfall and will likely continue to increase.  

Rideau River

All lake levels are leveling off and flows along the Rideau River are expected to be sustained from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. Levels on the Long Reach are leveling off. Water levels in the Rideau River reaches can be expected to still undergo significant fluctuations. 

April 30, 2018


Continuous rainfall amounts for the past five days varied across the watershed from 30 to 55 mm with the highest amounts recorded in the Bobs Lake area. The 5 day forecast suggests precipitation of 30 mm with most of the rainfall coming mid week. 


Lake levels will respond to the rain and flows in the Rideau River and Tay River are expected to increase. Levels are expected to continue to increase in the Upper Tay Watershed.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Lake levels and flows are sustained and will increase with forecasted rain. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to the received rain and the additional rain in the forecast. Both Christie Lake and Bobs Lake are now overfull and lake levels will continue to rise at both locations. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and operations are conducted in response to the received and the forecasted rain runoff. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has issued a Flood Warning for this area. Flows on the lower Tay River have picked up due to the rainfall and will likely continue to increase.   

Rideau River

All lake levels are expected to increase, flows along the Rideau River are expected to increase from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. Levels on the Long Reach will continue to increase today due to increase in local inflows. Water levels in the Rideau River reaches can be expected to still undergo significant fluctuations.

April 29, 2018


Rainfall amounts varied across the watershed from 5 to 15 mm with the highest amounts recorded in the Bobs Lake area.  The forecast for today has additional 5 mm or rainfall.  The 5 day forecast now has precipitation amounts ranging from 15 mm to 25 mm with most of the rainfall coming mid week.


Lake levels will respond to the rain and flows in the Rideau River and Tay River are expected to increase. Levels are expected to continue to increase in the Upper Tay Watershed.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Lake levels and flows are sustained and will increase with forecasted rain. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to the ongoing rain and the additional rain in the forecast. Both Christie Lake and Bobs Lake are now overfull and lake levels will continue to rise at both locations.   The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and operations are conducted in response to the received and the forecasted runoff. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has issued a Flood Warning for this area.  Flows on the lower Tay River have picked up due to the recent rainfall and will likely continue to increase.   

Rideau River

All lake levels are expected to increase, flows along the Rideau River are expected to increase from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. Levels on the Long Reach will continue to increase today due to increase in local inflows.  Water levels in the Rideau River reaches can be expected to still undergo significant fluctuations.  

April 28, 2018


Rainfall amounts last night varied from 10 to 20 mm across the watersheds this rainfall was largely unforecasted. Late in the day there was a significant shift in the forecast for the Cataraqui and Rideau watersheds. The 5 day forecast jumped from about 10 mm to 20 mm with all of the rainfall to come over Saturday and Sunday.


Lake levels will respond to the extra rain and flows in the Rideau River and Tay River are expected to increase. Levels are expected to continue to increase in the Upper Tay Watershed.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Lake levels are anticipated to increase with yesterday's rainfall and the additional rainfall in the forecast.  

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to last nights rain and the additional rain in the forecast. Both Christie Lake and Bobs Lake are at or very close to full level. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and the balancing of the high water will continue. Flows on the lower Tay River will likely level and then begin to recede. 

Rideau River

All lake levels are expected to increase, flows along the Rideau River are expected to increase from Smiths Falls to Hogs Back. A slow increase in flow is likely in the lower Rideau throughout the day. Levels on the Long Reach had begun to decrease but will raise again with the received and forecasted rainfall. Water levels in the Rideau River reaches can be expected to still undergo significant fluctuations.  

April 27, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests about 10 mm precipitation and continued temperatures above 0°C.


In the short term water levels and flows are likely to stabilize or slightly decrease. If the rainfall amounts stay close to forecast there should be a general decline in stream flows. The exception to above will be the Upper Tay Watershed. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Lakes are anticipated to begin levelling or decrease in level. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to the rain earlier in the week. Both Christie Lake and Bobs Lake are at or very close to full level. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and the balancing of the high water will commence. Flows on the lower Tay River will likely level and then begin to recede

Rideau River

Wolfe Lake and Upper Rideau Lake appear to be levelling off while Big Rideau Lake appears to have peaked and is beginning to decline. Flows along the Rideau River are expected to decrease from Smiths Falls to Burritts Rapids. A slow increase in flow is likely in the lower Rideau throughout the day. Levels on the Long Reach are increasing slowly due to the recent precipitation. Levels in the Hogs Back Reach will continue to increase today. Water levels in the Rideau River reaches can be expected to still undergo significant fluctuations. 

April 26, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests about 10 mm precipitation and continued temperatures above 0°C.


Rainfall amounts yesterday varied from 10 to 25 mm with the highest amounts being recorded in the Bobs Lake area.

In the short term water levels and flows are likely to stabilize or slightly decrease. If the rainfall amounts stay close to forecast there should be a general decline in stream flows. The exception to above will be the Upper Tay Watershed. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

Lake levels are anticipated to slowly increase over the day.

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing and will continue to do so due to the yesterday’s rain. Both Christie Lake and Bobs Lake are at or very close to full level. The levels on both lakes will continue to be monitored and the balancing of the high water will commence. Flows on the lower Tay River have levelled off and are expected to increase marginally before turning receding again. 

Rideau River

Big Rideau Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake all increased with yesterday’s rainfall. Flows along the Rideau River have either levelled off or are rising slowly. Levels on the Long Reach have levelled off as a result of the rain and increased inflows from the tributaries. The raising of the Hogs Back reach will begin today.

April 25, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests about 10-15 mm precipitation with continued temperatures above zero by the beginning of next week. 


The 24 hour precipitation totals are below 5 mm. The current forecast suggest the water levels and flow will increase.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are below the average water levels for this time of year and are levelling off. Opinicon Lake levels are above the average and declining.  

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are high and continue to increase.  Levels on both lakes are subject to further increase due to the rainfall.  Flows on the lower Tay River are declining but are expected to increase with the rainfall.    

Rideau River

Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are declining.  Flows are generally declining from Merrickville down to Hogs Back river reaches.  Water levels on the Long Island reach water levels are declining.   

April 24, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests about 25 mm precipitation with continued temperatures above zero by the beginning of next week. 


The recent event amounted to close to 80 mm of mixed precipitation with some solid accumulation across watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. Most of snow has receded across the Cataraqui and Rideau Watershed. The current forecast suggest the water levels and flow will increase. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are below the average water levels for this time of year and are levelling off. Opinicon Lake levels are above the average and declining. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are high and continue to increase. Levels on both lakes are subject to further increase due to the forecasted rainfall. Flows on the lower Tay River are declining but are expected to increase with the forecasted rainfall. 

Rideau River

Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are currently levelling off. Flows are generally beginning to decline from Merrickville down to Hogs Back river reaches. Water levels on the Long Island reach remain high and are declining. 

April 23, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests about 25 mm precipitation with continued temperatures above zero by the beginning of next week. 


The recent event amounted to close to 80 mm of mixed precipitation with some solid accumulation across watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. Most of snow has receded across the Cataraqui and Rideau Watershed. Snow still remains in the wooded areas of the Upper Tay watershed. The current forecast suggest the water levels and flow will increase. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are close to the average water levels for this time of year and are levelling off. Opinicon Lake levels are above the average and declining. Sand Lake levels are below average and increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are high and continue to increase. The snow from last week’s event remains in the watersheds of Christie Lake and Bobs Lake. Levels on both lakes are subject to further increase due to inflows sustained by current melt and the forecasted rainfall. Flows on the lower Tay River are declining but are expected to increase with the forecasted rainfall. 

Rideau River

Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are currently levelling off. Flows are generally beginning to decline from Merrickville down to Hogs Back river reaches. Water levels on the Long Island reach remain high and are declining. 

April 20, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests no precipitation with temperatures into the double digits by the end of the weekend. Night time temperatures will tend to be above zero by the beginning of next week.


The recent event amounted to close to 80 mm of mixed precipitation with some solid accumulation across watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations due to snow melt.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are close to the average water levels for this time of year and increasing. Opinicon Lake and Colonel by Lake levels are above average for this time of the year and increasing. Levels on lakes are anticipated to increase due to the snow melt.

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing. The snow from last week’s event continues to persist in areas upstream of Christie Lake and Bobs Lake. Heading towards Perth the snow has receded by a small margin but not as significantly as observed in the middle and lower Rideau River sections. Flows on the Tay River are currently levelling off but are expected to increase based on snow melt.

Rideau River

Upper Rideau Lake and Wolfe Lake water levels are currently receding or levelling off. Big Rideau Lake levels continue to increase as a result of increased inflows from the Tay River. The upcoming snow melt is expected increase water levels on all the lakes. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in response to the increased flows generated by local melt and runoff. Water levels on the Long Reach remain high and are expected increase with the expected snow melt.

April 19, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests no precipitation. 


The recent event amounted to close to 80 mm of mixed precipitation with some solid accumulation across watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are close to the average water levels for this time of year and increasing. Opinicon Lake and Colonel by Lake levels are above average for this time of the year and increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing.   

Rideau River

Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are above average and levelling off. Wolfe Lake levels are above average and increasing. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in response to the increased flows generated by local melt and runoff. The flows on the Rideau River are increasing. 

April 18, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests low amounts of precipitation.


The recent event amounted to close to 80 mm of mixed precipitation with some solid accumulation across watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are below the average water levels for this time of year and increasing. Opinicon Lake and Colonel by Lake levels are above average for this time of the year and increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake and Christie Lake levels are above average and are increasing.  

Rideau River

Upper Rideau Lake and Big Rideau Lake levels are above average and levelling off. Wolfe Lake levels are above average and increasing. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in response to the increased flows generated by local melt and runoff. The flows on the Rideau River are increasing.

April 17, 2018


The 7 day forecast suggests small amounts of precipitation reaching 5 mm of rain. 


The recent event amounted to close to 80 mm of mixed precipitation with some solid accumulation across watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are below the average water levels for this time of year and increasing. Colonel by Lake levels are above average for this time of the year and increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake level is on the average and Christie Lake level is above average and are increasing.

Rideau River

Upper Rideau Lake level is above average and Big Rideau Lake is close to average for this time of the year and increasing. Wolfe Lake levels are above average and increasing. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in anticipation for the increased flows generated by local melt and runoff in response to rain. The flows on the River are increasing. 

April 16, 2018


The 2 day forecast suggests additional amounts of precipitation reaching 35 mm of rain.


The recent event amounted to close to 60 mm of mixed precipitation with some solid accumulation across watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are below the average water levels for this time of year. Colonel by Lake levels are on average for this time of the year. The outflows are increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake level is below the average and Christie Lake level is above average.  The outflows are increased. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau Lake level is above average and Big Rideau Lake is close to average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in anticipation for the increased flows generated by rain runoff. The flows on the River are increasing. 

April 13, 2018


The 5 day forecast suggests significant amounts of precipitation reaching 100 mm of rain 


The recent rain amounted to an average of 10 mm of precipitation across watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are below the average water levels for this time of year. Colonel by Lake levels are on average for this time of the year. The outflows are increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake level is below the average and Christie Lake level is above average. Bobs lake outflows are increased. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are close to average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in anticipation for the increased flows generated by rain runoff. The flows on the River are increasing. 

April 12, 2018


The 7 day forecast suggests significant amounts of precipitation reaching 90 mm of rain 


The recent snow and rain amounted to an average of 11 mm of precipitation across the watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are below the average water levels for this time of year. The outflows are increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake level is below the average and Christie Lake level is above average. Bobs lake outflows are increased. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are on average for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are above average. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently subject to operations in anticipation for the increased flows generated by rain runoff. The flows on the River are increasing. 

April 9, 2018


The 7 day forecast suggests various amounts of precipitation potentially reaching the totals of 60 mm of rain and air temperatures close to  0°C at night.


The recent snow and rain amounted to an average of 11 mm of precipitation across the watersheds resulting in increased flows and water levels at most locations. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are near the average water levels for this time of year. The outflows are increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake level and Christie Lake level are below average. Bobs lake outflows are low for this time of year.  

Rideau River

Wolfe, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes water levels are above average for this time of the year. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently at seasonal levels.

April 3, 2018


The 7 day forecast suggests various amounts of precipitation ranging from 20 to 35 mm of rain and wet snow and temperatures below  0°C at night.


The snowpack is below average. The current conditions indicate that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are close to the average water levels for this time of year and are increasing. The outflows are increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake level is close to the average and Christie Lake level is below average. Bobs lake outflows are low for this time of year. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are above average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are increasing and outflows have been reduced significantly. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently at seasonal levels. Flows on the River are increasing. 

March 26, 2018


The total amounts of precipitation in March have been less than normal resulting in lower than average snow pack for this time of the year. The 7 day forecast suggests various amounts of precipitation around 14 mm of rain and temperatures below  0°C at night in northern areas.


The snowpack is present and is below average. The current water operations for filling the reservoirs continue to reduce the outflows from the reservoirs based on the projected runoff from melting snow in the watershed and below normal precipitation in the month of March. 

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are close to the average water levels for this time of year and are levelling off. The outflows are reduced.  

Tay River

Bobs Lake level is close to the average and Christie Lake level is below average. Bobs lake outflows are low for this time of year.  

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are above average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are declining and outflows have been reduced significantly. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently at seasonal levels. Flows on the River are declining.

March 19, 2018


Since late February precipitation amounts have been less than normal resulting in lower than average snow pack for this time of the year. The 14 day forecast suggest dry conditions will continue with temperatures below average and staying below 0°C overnight.


The snowpack is present and is below average. The current water operations for filling the reservoirs have begun to reduce the outflows from the reservoirs based on the projected runoff from melting snow in the watershed and below normal precipitation in the month of March.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are above average water levels for this time of year and are levelling off. Colonel By Lake water level is on average for this time of the year.  

Tay River

Bobs Lake level and Christie Lake level are above average. Bobs Lake outflows are reduced. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are above average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Long Island are currently at seasonal levels.  Flows on the River are declining.

February 26, 2018


The weather forecast is predicting no significant precipitation events over the next 7 days but with positive day temperatures and below 0°C at night. 


Due to the significant total amounts of rain and localized snowmelt, water levels and outflows continue to increase. The snowpack is below average for this time of the year. The current warm temperatures indicate that the trend in water levels and outflows will be sustained.

The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are above average water levels for this time of year and increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake level and Christie Lake level are above average. Bobs Lake outflows may be reduced depending on the response of the watershed to the recent weather conditions. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are above average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hoggs Back are currently at seasonal levels. Flows on the River are expected to peak soon.

February 23, 2018


The weather forecast is predicting an additional 5 mm precipitation event over the next 36 hours with positive day temperatures and below 0°C at night. 


Due to the recent weather conditions, significant total amounts of rain have resulted in local snowmelt with localized impact on the watersheds. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations. The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

Cataraqui River

All lakes are above average water levels for this time of year and increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake level and Christie Lake level are above average. Bobs Lake outflows may be reduced depending on the response of the watershed to the recent weather conditions. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are above average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hoggs Back are currently at seasonal levels. Flows on the River are expected to peak soon.

February 22, 2018


The rainfall occurring over the past 3 days resulted in total precipitation amounts ranging from 25-30 mm. The weather forecast is predicting an additional 5 mm precipitation event over the next 36 hours with positive day temperatures and below 0°C at night. 


Due to the recent weather conditions, significant total amounts of rain have resulted in local snowmelt with localized impact on the watersheds. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations. The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

Cataraqui River

All lakes are above average water levels for this time of year and increasing.

Tay River

Bobs Lake level and Christie Lake level are above average. Bobs Lake outflows may be reduced depending on the response of the watershed to the recent weather conditions.

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are above average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hoggs Back are currently at seasonal levels.  Flows on the River are increasing and expected to peak soon.

February 21, 2018


The rainfall occurring over past 24 hours resulted in total precipitation amounts ranging from 10-20 mm. The weather forecast is predicting an additional 5 mm precipitation event on Wednesday with day time temperatures declining and staying below 0°C at night. Additional small of amounts of rain and snow are forecasted over the next few days.  


Due to the recent weather conditions, significant total amounts of rain of 30 mm have resulted in local snowmelt with localized impact on the watersheds. The current conditions indicate that water levels and outflows will continue to increase at most locations. The Rideau Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.

Cataraqui River

All lakes are close to the average water levels for this time of year and are increasing.

Tay River

Bobs Lake is close to the average water level for this time of year. Christie Lake level is above average. Bobs Lake outflows may be reduced depending on the response of the watershed to the rainfall. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are close to the average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hoggs Back are currently at seasonal levels.  Flows on the River are increasing.

February 20, 2018


The rainfall over past 24 hours resulted in total precipitation amounts close to 10 mm. The weather forecast is predicting an additional 20 to 30 mm precipitation through Tuesday and Wednesday with day time temperatures reaching double digits and remaining above 0°C at night. 


The current forecast may result in local snowmelt and snowmelt runoff greatly impacting the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.  

Cataraqui River

All lakes are at average water levels for this time of year, leveling off and increasing. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake is at average water level for this time of year. Christie Lake level is above average. Bobs Lake outflows may be reduced depending on the response of the watershed to the warmer temperatures and rainfall. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are at average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hoggs Back are currently at seasonal levels. Flows on the River are increasing.

February 19, 2018


The weather forecast for early this week has been confirmed for a 50 to 60 mm precipitation event across Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with day time temperatures reaching double digits and remaining above 0°C at night. 


The current forecast may result in local snowmelt and snowmelt runoff greatly impacting the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be actively monitoring the changing conditions. Any watershed condition updates will be released by your Conservation Authority.  

Cataraqui River

All lakes are at average water levels for this time of year and declining.

Tay River

Bobs Lake is at average water level for this time of year. Christie Lake level is above average. Bobs Lake outflows may be reduced depending on the response of the watershed to the warmer temperatures and rainfall. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are at average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hoggs Back are currently at seasonal levels.   

February 16, 2018


The weather forecast for early next week is changing significantly from day to day. A 30 to 45 mm precipitation event is forecasted across Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with day time temperatures reaching double digits and remaining above 0°C  at night. 


Precipitation and warm temperatures will result in snowmelt and runoff and thus impact the watershed response. The current forecast indicates that water levels and outflows will increase at most locations. The Rideau Canal Water Management team will be active and the changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority. 

Cataraqui River

All lakes are at average water levels for this time of year. 

Tay River

Bobs Lake is at average water level for this time of year. Christie Lake level is above average. Bobs Lake outflows may be reduced depending on the response of the watershed to the warmer temperatures and rainfall. 

Rideau River

Upper Rideau and Big Rideau Lakes are at average water levels for this time of the year. Wolfe Lake levels are high and outflows are maximized. The river reaches between Smiths Falls and Hoggs Back are currently at seasonal levels. 

May 10, 2017


The month of April was wetter than normal this year with 138-148 mm falling across the Rideau Canal area versus an average monthly rainfall of 74-78 mm.  Significant rainfall events in this first week of May have resulted in total precipitation amounts of about 100 mm which have further increased water levels and flows across the Rideau Canal.  Comparatively, the average rainfall for the entire month of May across the Rideau Canal is 80 mm.  Both the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority have issued Flood Warnings.  Please check the website of your local conservation authority or the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for the most up to date watershed conditions.  The weather forecast suggests that there will be no significant amounts of rain this week. 

Cataraqui River

Lakes from Kingston Mills Lock Station to Newboro Lock Station are all in flood stage.  Levels are predicted to increase and then flatten out over the next several days.

Tay River

Bobs Lake will see continued rising water levels, as will Christie Lake.  Tay River appears to be approaching its peak flow. Flows and levels through Perth will continue to increase.

Rideau River

Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau are overfull. Outflow from Big Rideau has been maximized.  Upper and middle sections of the Rideau will peak in the next several days.  Lower Rideau is currently near its peak. 

May 5, 2017


Rainfall over the last week of April combined with a significant rainfall event early this week have resulted in total precipitation amounts ranging from 60-70 mm over that time period which have increased water levels and flows across the Rideau Canal. Currently Environment Canada has issued a Public Weather Alert for Southern Ontario as another rain event, that began on Thursday and will continue into the weekend, will bring an additional 40-70 mm to the area. Comparatively, the average rainfall for the entire month of May across the Rideau Canal is 80 mm. Environment Canada warns that “with the ground already saturated there is potential for local flooding”. Both the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority have issued Flood Warnings. Please check the website of your local conservation authority or the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for the most up to date watershed conditions.  

Cataraqui River 

Lakes from Kingston Mills Lock Station to Newboro Lock Station are all in flood stage. Levels are predicted to increase with the continued rainfall. Dams at Davis and Upper Brewers are completely open. 

Tay River 

Quickly rising levels on Bobs Lake required a log pull. This will result in an increase on Christie Lake. All logs are out of the dam at Beverages. Tay River flows will continue to increase and Beverages levels will increase due to the rain. Flows and levels through Perth will continue to increase due to the rain. 

Rideau River  

Wolfe Lake, Upper Rideau and Big Rideau are overfull. Outflow from Big Rideau has been maximized. Flows and levels are expected to increase down the Rideau River due to the rain.  

Watershed conditions

The Rideau Canal works with local conservation authorities, municipalities and the Ministry of Natural Resources to ensure that accurate water shed information is relayed to the public.
For up to date warnings and watches with regards to water levels in your region please click on the following links:

Visit Flood Ready for more information on general flood preparation. Locally, people are encouraged to contact their local municipal offices for any assistance they can provide with regard to flood mitigation, i.e. emergency services, sand bags, etc.

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