Thornton and Lucie Blackburn National Historic Persons
Thornton and Lucie Blackburn were designated as national historic persons in 1999.
Historical importance: Legendary escapees from enslavement who established first cab company in Toronto.

© Quentin VerCetty, designed and curated by AstroSankofa Arts Initiatives
Commemorative plaque: 19 Sackville Street, Toronto, OntarioFootnote 2

© Parks Canada
Thornton and Lucie Blackburn
The Blackburns' determination to build free lives provides a window on the experience of many refugees in the Underground Railroad era. Having fled slavery in Kentucky, they were arrested in Detroit in 1833. Their capture sparked riots and in the confusion they managed to escape to Upper Canada. Here, the government twice defended them against extradition, and by 1834 the couple had settled in Toronto. Respected citizens, they established the city's first cab company, worked for Abolition and contributed to the well-being of their community.
Related links
- National historic designations
- National historic persons
- National historic sites designations
- National historic events
- Submit a nomination
- This week in history: Reverend Jennie Johnson (1868–1967)
- Historica Canada - Heritage minutes: Underground Railroad
- Salem Chapel Sanctuary of History
- Underground Railroad National Historic Event
- Harriet Tubman National Historic Person
- Salem Chapel, British Methodist Episcopal Church National Historic Site
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