Proposed Inuit Protected Area/national marine conservation area adjacent to Torngat Mountains National Park

Nunatsiavut Government, Makivvik, and Government of Canada advance to next step toward establishing an Inuit Protected Area/national marine conservation area in the coastal and marine areas of northern Labrador

Located in northern Labrador and adjacent to Torngat Mountains National Park, the proposed Inuit Protected Area/national marine conservation area in the Torngat Area of Interest (Torngat-AOI) could protect up to 17,000 km2 of the coastal and marine waters of Nunatsiavut once a final boundary has been determined.

In March 2024, the Government of Canada and the Nunatsiavut Government announced the successful completion of a feasibility assessment. Based on Inuit Knowledge, community feedback, and scientific study and review, the Steering Committee determined that protecting the Torngat Area of Interest as an Inuit Protected Area/national marine conservation area is feasible and desirable and recommended that the parties advance to the next step of the establishment process.

Makivvik joined Parks Canada and the Nunatsiavut Government on the project Steering Committee in May 2024. The Steering Committee will now focus on continuing consultations, refining the final boundary and co-management structure and negotiating a legally binding establishment agreement and other necessary agreements. The creation of a new marine protected area adjacent to Torngat Mountains National Park would seamlessly connect the conservation of protected lands and waters from mountain tops to sea bottom. These areas are critical to the people and many species that thrive in this region. Enhancing the protection of these ecosystems in northern Labrador would help to conserve biodiversity. It would also contribute to the vitality of Inuit culture, traditions and well-being.

Current project stage

The establishment of a new NMCA generally follows a five-step process. The establishment process for each NMCA is as unique as its features and considerations. As such, there is no specific timeframe for moving through the process.

This project is currently at step 4. The partners are negotiating a legally binding establishment agreement and other necessary agreements.

  • 1 Identify representative marine areas
  • 2 Select a candidate NMCA
  • 3 Assess feasibility of an NMCA
  • 4 Negotiate establishment agreement(s)
    5 Designate and protect NMCA in legislation

This proposed IPA/NMCA presents an opportunity to strengthen a nation-to-nation relationship between Canada and Inuit. It will also contribute to the growing network of protected and conserved areas across Canada. These protected areas help safeguard Canada’s biodiversity and provide opportunities to experience the outdoors, learn about our environment, and significantly contribute to the protection and preservation of Canada’s most vulnerable ecosystems.

Why here?

Historical significance, cultural value, and ecological importance of the coastal and marine areas of northern Labrador.


History of the collaborative efforts between the Governments of Nunatsiavut and Canada to establish an IPA/NMCA in Labrador.

What an Inuit Protected Area/national marine conservation area in the Torngat Area of Interest means

Highlights the importance of establishing an IPA/NMCA in the Torngat-AOI.

Timeline and next steps

Progress of establishing an IPA/NMCA in the Torngat-AOI.

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