First 100 days issues

Table of contents
Key domestic and international events
Signing a Memorandum of Understanding to Conclude a Feasibility Assessment for a Proposed National Park Reserve in the Hog Island – Sandhills Area of Prince Edward Island
- Description
- Ministerial signing event for a Memorandum of Understanding between L’nuey (formerly the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI) and the PCA that confirms that the establishment of a national park reserve called Pituamkek (pronounced Bee doo um Gek and meaning “At the Long Sand Dune”) is feasible, as well as the launch of negotiations towards a formal national park reserve establishment agreement.
- While the Government of Prince Edward Island is not a signatory to the MOU, it has fully participated in the feasibility assessment and is fully supportive of the proposal.
- Ministerial Action
- It is recommended that the Minister attend this event to sign and celebrate the signing of the MOU.
- This will be an important opportunity to highlight the continuing collaboration between the Government of Canada and Mi’kmaq of Prince Edward Island.
- It will also highlight the growing level of collaboration between PCA and the Mi’kmaq with respect to the management and presentation of the existing Prince Edward Island National Park.
- Timeline
- November 2021 on Prince Edward Island
Signing a Memorandum of Understanding to Guide a Feasibility Assessment to Establish an Indigenous Protected Area Under the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act in the Area Adjacent to the Torngat Mountains National Park
- Description
- Ministerial signing event for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Nunatsiavut Government and PCA to collaborate on completing a feasibility assessment that was previously announced on September 9, 2019. The proposed study area is approximately 15,000 square kilometres.
- This area will protect the currently unrepresented Labrador Shelf marine region as part of PCA’s system of national marine conservation areas. It will result in the protection of fiords that extend but are not part of the Torngat Mountains National Park as well as the marine waters adjacent to the national park.
- Ministerial Action
- It is recommended that the Minister attend this event to sign and celebrate the signing of the MOU.
- It is expected the Minister will receive an invitation directly from the President of the Nunatsiavut Government following their Executive Council consideration and possible approval of the MOU in late September 2021.
- This will be an important opportunity to highlight the continuing collaboration between the Government of Canada and the Labrador Inuit to achieve the conservation and economic development of this region.
- Timeline
- Expect November 2021 in Nain, Labrador
Tourism Industry Association of Canada Congress 2021 in Ottawa
- Description
- The Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) holds an annual national congress for tourism industry leaders. As one of Canada’s largest providers of tourism experiences, PCA participates in the congress each year.
- The annual congress attracts a broad cross-section of Canada’s tourism industry leadership, including representatives of business, advocacy, and government. For 2021, the congress will focus significantly on the recovery of Canada’s tourism sector from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Ministerial Action
- As Minister Responsible for the PCA, the Minister should anticipate receiving an invitation to attend the congress. One opportunity for participation will be the Canadian Tourism Awards gala from 19:00 to 21:00 on December 1, 2021 at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa. The event will offer an opportunity for the Minister to meet with tourism industry stakeholders from across Canada.
- Timeline
- December 1, 2021 from 19:00 to 21:00 in Ottawa, Ontario
Ottawa Westin Hotel
- December 1, 2021 from 19:00 to 21:00 in Ottawa, Ontario
Recommended meetings or phone calls
Reaching out to key built heritage stakeholders
- Description
- The following individuals are suggested:
- Dr. Richard Alway, Chair of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, appointed by GIC to be the Minister’s advisor on subjects related to the commemoration of Canada’s history.
- Ms. Natalie Bull, Executive Director of the National Trust, Canada’s national charitable non-profit for heritage preservation.
- Timeline
- Dr. Alway should be contacted before the end of November 2021.
- Ms. Bull can be contacted as time permits.
Kathy Abusow, President & CEO, Sustainable Forestry Initiative
- Description
- The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) delivers conservation action, standards, and education for forest restoration and sustainable forest management across Canada. The SFI has also been a primary partner in the delivery of youth employment in conservation in forest restoration and management as well as in conservation activities in provincial and territorial parks systems.
- Ms. Abusow is anticipated to request a meeting in November to discuss youth employment and youth participation in forest restoration and management as well as in conservation among provincial and territorial parks systems. The SFI has been a partner in youth employment in conservation since 2018 and has achieved significant results. It is recommended that the Minister accept the meeting.
- Timeline
- The Minister will likely receive a request to meet with Ms. Abusow in Ottawa in November 2021 at a time of mutual convenience. The head offices of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative are located in Ottawa.
Mike Roma, President, Canadian Parks and Recreation Association
CJ Noble, CEO, Canadian Parks and Recreation Association
- Description
- The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) is the representative organization for municipal parks systems across Canada. The Association has been a partner in the delivery of initiatives for the employment of youth in conservation and has also expressed a strong interest in the advancement of urban conservation and the establishment of national urban parks.
- PCA has worked collaboratively with the CPRA for several years in a number of areas. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, PCA worked closely with the CPRA to facilitate safe access to outdoors spaces for Canadians within and outside of their communities. The Agency has also partnered with the CPRA to advance youth employment and youth engagement in conservation.
- Given the importance of access to nature for individual and community wellbeing and the importance of urban conservation and urban parks for responding to climate change and declining biodiversity, it is recommended that the Minister accept a meeting with the CPRA.
- Timeline
- The Minister will likely receive a request to meet with Mr. Roma in Ottawa in November 2021 at a time of mutual convenience. The head offices of the CPRA are located in Ottawa. Ms Noble is located in Ottawa and Mr. Roma is located in Alberta.
Eleanor McMahon, President and CEO, Trans Canada Trail
- Description
- The Trans-Canada Trail is the world’s largest network of multi-use trails and connects over 400 community trail systems. The Trail began as an initiative celebrating the 125th anniversary of Canadian confederation and is funded by individuals, corporations, foundations, and all levels of government.
- The Government of Canada is an important funding partner of the Trans-Canada Trail and federal investments in the Trail are delivered by PCA. The current funding profile for the Trans-Canada Trail will expire on March 31, 2022.
- It is anticipated that Eleanor McMahon, President & CEO of the Trans-Canada Trail, will seek a meeting with the Minister to discuss renewal of federal funding to the Trail as well as partnership opportunities. It is recommended that this request be accepted to help determine next steps for possible funding to the Trail.
- Timeline
- The Minister will likely receive a request to meet in early November 2021 in Ottawa. It is recommended that the meeting occur before mid-November, as this timing would allow for necessary preparations should there be a decision to seek possible funding renewal for the Trans-Canada Trail.
Minister’s response to Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation’s July 12 letter regarding Wood Buffalo National Park apology and reconciliation
- Description
- The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation has requested a meeting with the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and ECCC to discuss historic wrongs related to the exclusion of First Nation members from the park, and from a failure to implement Treaty 8.
- Timeline
- November/December 2021
David McKenna, Chair, Tourism Industry Association of Canada and President, Banff-Jasper Collection by Pursuit
- Description
- David McKenna, Chair of the Canadian Tourism Industry Association will likely request a meeting with the Minister.
- The issues to be raised include the recovery of the Canadian tourism sector from the impacts of COVID-19 and the importance of nature and culture based tourism to the recovery.
- Given the importance of national parks, historic sites, and marine conservation areas to regional tourism in Canada, it is recommended that the Minister accept the request to meet.
- Timeline
- The Minister will likely receive a request to meet at the annual Tourism Industry Association of Canada congress in Ottawa on December 1, 2021 or at a mutually convenient time during the week of the congress.
Liza Frulla, Chairperson, Destination Canada
- Description
- The Honourable Liza Frulla became Chair of Destination Canada, the national tourism marketing organization for Canada, on August 6, 2021. It is expected that Ms. Frulla will seek an opportunity to meet with the Minister to discuss the importance of nature and culture based tourism for the recovery of Canada’s tourism sector from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Destination Canada is a long-time partner of PCA in international promotion of Canadian destinations. It is recommended that the Minister accept the request to meet in order to discuss ways that PCA and Destination Canada can work together to advance the recovery of Canada’s tourism industry.
- Timeline
- The Minister will likely receive a request to meet at the annual Tourism Industry Association of Canada congress in Ottawa on December 1, 2021 or at a mutually convenient time during the week of the congress.
Brenda Holder, Chair or Keith Henry, President & CEO, Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
- Description
- Brenda Holder is a Métis entrepreneur from the Jasper / Grande Cache region of Alberta. She became Chair of the Board of the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada in 2019. Keith Henry has been President & CEO of the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada since 2016. Ms. Holder or Mr. Henry will likely seek a meeting with the Minister to discuss the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indigenous tourism and the role that nature and culture based tourism can play in recovery.
- PCA has worked in partnership with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada to develop Indigenous tourism offers at national parks, historic sites, and marine conservation areas across the country. The Agency recently renewed its MOU with the Association and continues to invest in joint initiatives. It is recommended that the Minister accept the request for a meeting given the importance of Indigenous tourism relationships to PCA.
- Timeline
- The Minister will likely receive a request to meet at the annual Tourism Industry Association of Canada congress in Ottawa on December 1, 2021 or at a mutually convenient time during the week of the congress.
Contact us
Parks Canada National Office30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
J8X 0B3
Related links
- Parks Canada Agency Overview, October 2021
- Appearance before the Standing Committee on Environment and...
- Appearance before the Standing Committee on Environment and...
- Appearance before the Standing Committee on Environment and...
- Appearance before the Standing Committee on Environment and...
- Appearance before the Standing Committee on Environment and...
- Appearance before the Standing Committee on Environment and...
- Appearance before the Standing Committee on Environment and...
- Corporate Book - November 2019
- Chief Executive Officer Welcome Package - August 2019
- Key messages, stakeholders and media links - August 2019
- Briefing book - November 2015
- Date modified :