
Performance Report 2012-13 Parks Canada Agency

Companion Document: Additional Program Results and Performance Information

Section II: Analysis of Programs and Sub Programs by Strategic Outcome

Strategic Outcome - Additional information

Results of 2012/13 Re-evaluations of Commemorative Integrity
National Historic Site Previous Evaluation Result 2012/13 Re-evaluation
Commemorative Integrity Score Degree of Impairment Commemorative Integrity Score Degree of Impairment
Merrickville Blockhouse 8 Minor 8 Minor
Grosse-Île and the Irish Memorial* 4 Significant 7 Minor

Source: Parks Canada Commemorative Integrity Evaluation Data Bank
*This site was evaluated in 2011-12 but not reported until 2012-13.

As of 2012/13, 73% (97) of the 134 national historic sites that have been evaluated are categorized as having no or minor impairment to their commemorative integrity, 22% (30) show significant impairment, and 5% (7) show major or severe impairment. These numbers indicate an improving trend when compared to the results from 2008/09: 60% (79) had no or minor impairment, 31% (41) showed significant impairment, and 9% (13) showed major or severe impairment.

Level of impairment of Commemorative Integrity at National Historic Sites
Level of Impairment 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13
Number of Sites Percentage of Total Number of Sites Number of Sites Percentage of Total Number of Sites Number of Sites Percentage of Total Number of Sites Number of Sites Percentage of Total Number of Sites Number of Sites Percentage of Total Number of Sites
No impairment 9 7% 9 7% 11 8% 13 10% 13 10%
Minor 70 53% 74 56% 76 57% 83 62% 84 63%
Significant 41 31% 40 30% 39 29% 31 23% 30 22%
Major 11 8% 8 6% 6 5% 5 4% 5 4%
Severe 2 1% 2 1% 1 1% 2 1% 2 1%
Total 133 100% 133 100% 133 100% 134* 100% 134 100%

Source: Parks Canada Commemorative Integrity Evaluation Data Bank
*The total number of sites increased by one as a result of the completed baseline evaluation for L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish NHSC in 2011.

Program 1: Heritage Places Establishment - Additional Information

Parks Canada’s target for commemorations is that 33% of yearly commemorations be in one of the three under-represented themes of ethnocultural communities, women, and Aboriginal history. Ministerial commemorations in 2012/13 by type and by under-represented theme are shown in the table below. Three of the commemorations were related to women’s history, two to Aboriginal history and six to ethnocultural communities’ history. The commemoration of Catherine Beaulieu Bouvier Lamoureux as a National Historic Person touches both Aboriginal and women’s history.

Ministerial commemorations in 2012/13 by type and by under-represented theme
Total Commemorations Under-Represented Themes
Type Number Ethnocultural communities Women Aboriginal history Ethnocultural communities and Women Total Percentage
Places 10 3 1 2 6 60%
Persons 9 2 2 1 5 56%
Events 8 1 1 13%
Total 27 6 3 2 1 12 43%
Sub Program: National Park Establishment and Expansion - Additional Information
Progress of proposals to establish and expand national parks
Terrestrial Natural Region and National Park Area of Interest Progress Statement in 2012/13
Atlantic Coast Uplands (represented)

Sable Island (NS)
Establishment in Legislation (Step 5)

In February, 2013 Bill S-15, the Expansion and Conservation of Canada’s National Parks Act, was tabled in the Senate. The Bill will formally protect Sable Island National Park Reserve under the Canada National Parks Act. The Bill implements the October 17, 2011 agreement signed by the Minister of the Environment and the Premier of Nova Scotia to designate Sable Island as a national park reserve under the Canada National Parks Act. As part of the agreement, the two governments are required to amend their respective offshore petroleum legislation to prohibit drilling on the island and out to one nautical mile. Several permits held by petroleum companies were amended to give this prohibition effect within their license areas.
Mackenzie Mountains (represented)

NÁÁts'ihch'oh (NT)
Negotiation of Agreements (Step 4)

On March 28th, 2012, Parks Canada and the Sahtu Dene and Metis of the Tulita District completed the process of signing an Impact and Benefit Plan to establish the park as required under the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement. The new national park reserve was announced by the Prime Minister in August 2012. Work continues to acquire third party interest before adding the park to the Canada National Parks Act.
East Coast Boreal (unrepresented)

Mealy Mountains (NL)
Negotiation of Agreements (Step 4)

Parks Canada and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador made significant progress in negotiation of a land transfer agreement to establish a national park reserve in the Mealy Mountains. Working collaboratively, both governments finalized an approach to developing a legal description of the final boundary. The Agency made significant progress in negotiating a Park Impact and Benefit Agreement with the Innu Nation. Consultations with the NunatuKavut Community Council and the Quebec Innu continued.
Western High Arctic (unrepresented)

Bathurst Island (NU)
Negotiation of Agreements (Step 4)

Parks Canada and the Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) substantially completed negotiation of an Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement to establish a national park on northern Bathurst Island, which is required under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement for any new national park in Nunavut. A boundary for the park and the park’s name (Qausuittuq) were presented in public meetings.
Northwestern Boreal Uplands (unrepresented)

Thaidene Nene in the East Arm of Great Slave Lake (NT)
Feasibility Assessment (Step 3) /
Negotiation of Agreement (Step 4)

Parks Canada is continuing its work to assess the feasibility of establishing a national park reserve in the Thaidene Nene area of Northwest Territories. It is working closely with the Government of the Northwest Territories and several federal departments to determine a boundary that protects both the area's important natural and cultural features while maximizing economic development opportunities. Work is substantially completed on a Mineral and Energy Resource Assessment and a Landscape Valuation Study that will help inform decisions on a boundary. Parks Canada is also working to engage the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation and the NWT Metis Nation in the establishment process. Public consultation on the proposal, including a potential boundary, is still required.
Manitoba Lowlands (unrepresented)

Manitoba Lowlands (MB)
Feasibility Assessment (Step 3)

Parks Canada, the Government of Manitoba and Misipawistik Cree Nation (MCN) continued to work together under their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), sharing information and reviewing issues that will lead to a decision by MCN on whether to establish a national park in the vicinity of Grand Rapids. In accordance with the MOU, MCN consulted with its members and held a community meeting that concluded there was community support for the intent to establish a national park and that work to advance a process towards negotiations should continue.
Sub Program: National Marine Conservation Area Establishment - Additional Information
Progress of proposals to establish National Marine Conservation Areas
Marine Region and National Conservation Area of Interest Progress Statement in 2012-13
Lancaster Sound (unrepresented)

Lancaster Sound (NU)
Feasibility Assessment (Step 3)

Following the Government of Canada's announcement in 2010 of a proposed future boundary for a national marine conservation area in Lancaster Sound, Parks Canada has made important progress finalizing background studies on ecological values and non-renewable resource potential within the 44,300 square kilometre area of interest. In 2012-2013, significant progress was achieved to compile local and traditional knowledge, and community consultations were undertaken by representatives from Parks Canada, the Government of Nunavut and the Qikiqtani Inuit Association. In addition, the required Energy Resource Assessment was finalized and publicly released.
Strait of Georgia (unrepresented)

Southern Strait of Georgia (BC)
Feasibility Assessment (Step 3)

In October 2011, the Ministers of the Environment of the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia announced a proposed 1,400 square kilometre boundary, for consultation with local First Nations, local government and key marine stakeholders and tenure holders. Over the course of 2012-2013, significant progress was made engaging and consulting key potentially affected sectors, through meetings and working sessions. A very substantive program of consultations was undertaken with local First Nations groups, culminating in the completion of three 'all-nation' workshops in the fall/winter 2012 and winter/spring 2013.
Magdalen Shallows (unrepresented)

Les Îles-de-la-madeleine (QC)
Feasibility Assessment (Step 3)

In December 2011, the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec signed an accord to conduct a study on the creation of a marine protected area in Iles de la Madeleine. Over 2012-2013, significant progress was made on the study, through advancement of a number of background studies, and the compilation of ecological, economic and cultural data. In addition, discussions have been advanced with local stakeholders and regional First Nations interests concerning the study process.

Program 2: Heritage Resources Conservation - Additional Information

2012-13 Reassessment results of national historic sites with poor ratings in 2007-08 for the Condition of Cultural Resources element of Commemorative Integrity
National Historic Sites
With Poor Ratings
2012/13 Rating Progress Statement Performance
Fort McNab Good Major stabilization project undertaken in 2010-11 valued at $1.5M (Economic Action Plan (EAP) funding). Roofs improved on buildings with addition of membranes to address water infiltration. Drainage improved in magazines, searchlight, and casemates. Extensive concrete repair, especially on casemates and gun emplacements. All major assets now considered to be in fair to good and stable condition. Met
Grosse-Île and the Irish Memorial* Fair The overall rating reflects important progress in terms of landscapes and certain buildings that have nationally significant values. Significant investments, including through the EAP program, have allowed for improvements to the state of commemorative integrity. The "flagship" buildings that illustrate the function of each sector are now in a good state of preservation (Disinfection Building for the western sector, Catholic Chapel for the central sector, Lazaretto for the eastern sector). Met

Source: Parks Canada Commemorative Integrity Evaluation Data Bank
*Grosse-Île and the Irish Memorial was re-assessed in 2011-12 but not reported until 2012-13.

Sub Program: National Parks Conservation - Additional Information

Natural resource conservation activities contribute to addressing priority ecological integrity issues caused by environmental forces such as biodiversity loss and exotic and alien/invasive species. They also contribute to enhancing ecosystem resilience to the effects of climate and other global environmental forces.

Examples of Action on the Ground projects and their achievements
National Park Ecological Integrity Indicator To Be Improved Overall Project Objective Ecological Integrity Improvement Expected by March 2015 Project Achievements 2012/2013
Kejimkujik Freshwater Recovery of species at risk populations Achievement of population objective for Blanding's turtle, including 275 releases

Consolidation of community and First Nation involvement in recovery
175 captive-reared Blanding's turtles released since 2011

Nest protection for at least 50% of known females.

Wetland stewardship program for Atlantic Coastal Plain flora
La Mauricie Freshwater Post-logging restoration of watershed Rehabilitation of natural flow in 14 lakes

Restoration of 4 brook trout populations

Release of 500 juvenile turtles
Rehabilitation of 7 lakes, including 6 outflow streams; recovery of 9,600 logs and cleanup along 6 km of shoreline and 1.2 km of stream length

Brook trout re-introduced in two lakes

Nest protection for 200 wood turtle hatchlings
Terra Nova Forest Reduction of browsing and restoration of fire in the boreal forest Clear signs of forest regeneration and reduced browsing

Dense seedling cover in 64% of burned area
Moose population reduced from 235 to 200 animals through special hunting permits

Marten population stable or increasing

22 hectares of black spruce forest planted

Currently at 1% of the historic annual area
Grasslands Grassland Restoration of prairie species and natural processes All cultivated fields within existing holdings revegetated and 60 hectares of crested wheatgrass restored to native species

Bison population of at least 300 and black-footed ferrets at least 20

Restoration of grazing and fire processes to natural levels
12 hectares of cultivated fields and crested wheat grass fields restored to native species

330 bison and a minimum of 12 black-footed ferrets, including the 2nd generation of wild-born ferrets

157 hectares burned through prescribed fires
Riding Mountain Forest Restoration of the balance in a wolf-elk food web affected by bovine tuberculosis TB-free elk and deer populations with continued TB-free status in area cattle Bovine TB not detectable at current levels of surveillance for elk and deer

Elk and deer populations sizes and that of the wolves that prey on them at acceptable levels
Gulf Islands and Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site Forest Recovery of species at risk in the Garry Oak Ecosystem Increase in native species abundance and decline in targeted non-native invasive species abundance in restoration areas

Stable Macoun's meadowfoam and Deltoid balsamroot populations

Introductions of all four plant species at risk reach at least 20 individuals
Deer herbivory and nesting geese significantly reduced on Eagle Islet

Continued non-native invasive plant species control on islets Gulf Island NPR and Garry Oak ecosystems at Fort Rodd Hill

19,000 native seedlings planted in Garry Oak restoration areas

Plant species at risk introductions increased from three to four species. Plants continue to persist in all four introduced species at risk populations.

Program 4: Visitor Experience Program - Additional Information

The Visitor Information Program (VIP) uses a standard questionnaire to provide information to managers of national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas about their visitors, including their use of products and services, their satisfaction with products and services, and other aspects of their visit. Selection of individual protected places to participate in the Visitor Information Program each year is aligned, as much as possible, with the timing of management planning and reporting requirements. The national parks, national historic sites, and national marine conservation areas that participate in the VIP over a five-year cycle account for the majority of the total recorded visits to heritage places administered by Parks Canada.

In 2012-13, 12 locations conducted the survey during the peak survey period of June to September 2012. Specific annual results and Agency averages for specific performance expectations were as follows:

Satisfaction: Eleven of 12 locations surveyed exceeded the target of 90 percent of visitors satisfied, and 11 of 12 locations exceeded the target of 50 percent of visitors very satisfied with their visit. The overall Agency averages are 95 percent and 70 percent, respectively.

Meaningful: Seven of 12 surveyed locations met or exceeded the target of 85 percent, while five locations mostly met the target. The overall Agency average is 83 percent.

Enjoyment: Eleven of 12 surveyed locations exceeded the target of 90 percent, and one mostly met it. The overall Agency average is 95 percent.

Learning: One of four national parks exceeded the target of 60 percent learned something, while three mostly met it. As for surveyed national historic sites, six exceeded the performance target of 85 percent, while the remaining two mostly or somewhat met the target. The overall Agency average is 67 percent and 88 percent, respectively.

Detailed results are in the following two tables.

Percentage of visitors who were satisfied and very satisfied with their visit and who considered the park/site meaningful
Location Surveyed Satisfied Very Satisfied Meaningful
Georgian Bay Islands NP 91% 57% 90%
Pukaskwa NP 94% 62% 86%
Thousand Islands NP1 92% 64% 89%
Terra Nova NP 87% 43% 80%
Alexander Graham Bell NP 95% 72% 90%
Fort Lennox NHS 97% 70% 78%
Fort Wellington NHS 99% 86% 90%
Fortifications of Québec NHS 98% 69% 74%
Grand Pré NHS 97% 78% 93%
Point-au-Père Lighthouse NHS 99% 77% 82%
Rideau Canal NHS 95% 71% 82%
Signal Hill NHS 95% 72% 86%
Average 2012/13 surveys only 95% 68% 85%
Agency overall average2 95% 70% 83%

Note: Satisfaction is a subjective measure of a visitor’s overall experience. Services, activities, and interactions with staff are among the many things that contribute to a visitor’s level of satisfaction. The mix of factors that is important varies by visitor and can, to some degree, vary by place.

1Formerly St. Lawrence Islands National Park
2Based on survey results for 105 locations

Sub Program: Intepretation and Visitor Service Offer - Additional Information
Percentage of visitors who enjoyed their visit and learned something about the heritage of the place
Location Surveyed Enjoyed Learned
Georgian Bay Islands NP 97% 58%
Pukaskwa NP 91% 66%
Thousand Islands NP1 96% 58%
Terra Nova NP 89% 57%
Alexander Graham Bell NP 95% 96%
Fort Lennox NHS 96% 91%
Fort Wellington NHS 99% 93%
Fortifications of Québec NHS 96% 67%
Grand Pré NHS 97% 97%
Point-au-Père Lighthouse NHS 99% 94%
Rideau Canal NHS 98% 71%
Signal Hill NHS 96% 89%
Average 2012/13 surveys only 96% 60% (parks)

97% (sites)
Agency overall average2 95% 67% (parks)


Note: Meaningful is a subjective measure of personal connection and is based on an individual’s internalization of his or her experiences at a particular national park or historic site. The mix of experiences that are important for personal connection varies by visitor.

1Formerly St. Lawrence Islands National Park
2Average based on survey results for 81 locations

Program 5: Townsite and Throughway Infrastructure - Additional Information

Condition of townsite contemporary assets and contemporary waterway dams
in 2012-13
Number Good or Fair condition Poor or Very poor condition Not Rated
Townsite assets 428 68% 26% 6%
Waterway dams 120 54% 46% 0%

Highlights of investments to maintain and improve through highway infrastructure in 2012-13
Amount of investment ($ Millions) Details
32.6 Twinning (two-directional widening) sections of the Trans-Canada Highway through Banff and Yoho National Parks
1.7 Pavement repair on Highway 16 in Jasper National Park
0.86 Bridge repairs on the Trans-Canada Highway in Yoho National Park
0.7 Culvert repair work on the Trans-Canada Highway in Terra Nova National Park
1.34 Culvert repair work on the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park

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