The Preliminary Screening Process

A preliminary screening is a requirement under the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) to assess significant negative environmental and social impacts for proposed activities in a national park reserve. Parks Canada must conduct a preliminary screening before a business licence for commercial guiding or air charter activities in Thaidene Nene National Park Reserve can be issued.

What is the process?

If your application requires a preliminary screening, Parks Canada will develop a preliminary screening notification letter with a development description. The letter and description are sent out to key people (e.g., Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, land and water boards, Indigenous governments, tour operators in the area and other stakeholders) for 21-day review period. The information is also posted on the Mackenzie Valley Review Board’s Public Registry.

Any comments received during the preliminary screening process are reviewed. If the application is determined to not cause significant public concern or impact on the environment, then a business licence may be issued ten (10) days after stakeholders are notified of the preliminary screening results.

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