90-day quarantine program for motorized and trailered boats

Waterton Lakes National Park

Beginning April 1, 2024, all non-motorized watercraft from outside of the park are prohibited from entering water bodies in Waterton Lakes National Park.


Preventing invasive mussels from entering Waterton Lakes National Park is our top priority

In 2019, Parks Canada implemented a mandatory 90-day quarantine program for all motorized and trailed boats.

The program was triggered by the 2017 discovery of invasive mussels in the Tiber Reservoir in Montana, a half-day’s drive from Waterton. This discovery prompted a temporary ban on all recreational power boats and trailer launched watercraft from entering waters in Waterton Lakes National Park to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive mussels.

The Clean Lake Initiative (CLI), a committee of the Improvement District #4 council, began researching options on how to safely return recreational power boating to the park. This quarantine program was determined to be sufficient to eliminate any chance of live mussels being introduced to Upper or Middle Waterton Lake.

For more information on this program or to book a sealing appointment, contact the Clean Lake Initiative.

Parks Canada takes aquatic invasive species, particularly whirling disease and zebra and quagga mussels, seriously. We are taking action now to ensure that the ecological integrity of the park’s aquatic communities remains intact.

Under the Canada National Parks Act the maximum penalty for a launching a prohibited boat in the park is $25,000.

Taking action against invasive mussels

Once invasive species are introduced, they are nearly impossible to eradicate, and their effects are irreversible. We all have a role to play in protecting regional waters in and outside of Waterton Lakes.

Preventing invasives from entering Waterton Lakes National Park is our top priority. The sealing and quarantine program as well as the non-motorized watercraft prohibition were developed with this in mind.

Parks Canada reminds visitors to complete the mandatory self-certification permit for aquatic equipment and to Clean, Drain, Dry their aquatic equipment after every trip.

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