The State of Canada's Natural and Historic Places 2011

Figure 2: Status of National Parks System Plan

Return to Figure 2

Legend - Status of regions (ongoing or completed)
Step 5 - Establishment
Step 4 - Negotiation
Step 3 - Feasibility
Step 2 - Selection
Step 1 - Identification

Canada's 39 terrestrial regions (including their state) are as follows:

In the Western Mountains, there are:

  • 1. Pacific Coast Mountains (Step 5)
  • 2. Strait of Georgia Lowlands (Step 5)
  • 3. Interior Dry Plateau (Step 3)
  • 4. Columbia Mountains (Step 5)
  • 5. Rocky Mountains (Step 5)
  • 6. Northern Coast Mountains (Step 5)
  • 7. Northern Interior Plateaux and Mountains (Step 2)
  • 8. Mackenzie Mountains (Step 5)
  • 9. Northern Yukon (Step 5)

In the Interior Plains, there are:

  • 10. Mackenzie Delta (Step 5)
  • 11. Northern Boreal Plains (Step 5)
  • 12. Southern Boreal Plains and Plateaux (Step 5)
  • 13. Prairie Grasslands (Step 5)
  • 14. Manitoba Lowlands (Step 3)

In the Canadian Shield, there are:

  • 15. Tundra Hills (Step 5)
  • 16. Central Tundra (Step 5)
  • 17. Northwestern Boreal Uplands (Step 3)
  • 18. Central Boreal Uplands (Step 5)
  • 19a. West Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Precambrian Region (Step 5)
  • 19b. Central Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Precambrian Region (Step 5)
  • 19c. East Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Precambrian Region (Step 5)
  • 20. Laurentian Boreal Highlands (Step 2)
  • 21. East Coast Boreal Region (Step 4)
  • 22. Boreal Lake Plateau (Step 2)
  • 23. Whale River (Step 2)
  • 24. Northern Labrador Mountains (Step 5)
  • 25. Ungava Tundra Plateau (Step 2)
  • 26. Northern Davis Region (Step 5)

In the Hudson Bay Lowlands, there are:

  • 27. Hudson-James Lowlands (Step 5)
  • 28. Southampton Plain (Step 1)

In the St. Lawrence Lowlands there are:

  • 29a. West St. Lawrence Lowland (Step 5)
  • 29b. Central St. Lawrence Lowland (Step 5)
  • 29c. East St. Lawrence Lowland (Step 5)

In the Appalachian Region, there are:

  • 30. Notre Dame-Megantic Mountains (Step 5)
  • 31. Maritime Acadian Highlands (Step 5)
  • 32. Maritime Plain (Step 5)
  • 33. Atlantic Coast Uplands (Step 5)
  • 34. Western Newfoundland Highlands (Step 5)
  • 35. Eastern Newfoundland Atlantic Region (Step 5)

In the Arctic Lowlands, there are:

  • 36. Western Arctic Lowlands (Step 5)
  • 37. Eastern Arctic Lowlands (Step 5)

In the High Arctic Islands, there are:

  • 38. Western High Arctic (Step 4)
  • 39. Eastern High Arctic (Step 5)

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